In Which She Has to Face Reality

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But what if I tried and it's not really for me? The anxious part of her asked.

But what if I cannot stand to stay here any longer in Countryside? The part of her who wanted to run away whenever she was overwhelmed asked.

There were a couple more things jumbling inside Amanda's head in confusion but she refused to give voice to them. Maybe she should do that more often - silence the voice inside her head so that maybe she could easily come up with a sensible decision.

Shaking her head to clear the cobwebs in her brain, Amanda went for reality instead. "I think I need a school nurse endorsement ...and some kind of a type of certificate for that, which I don't have."

"Oh," Rosalyn deflated. "I didn't know that."

"Sadly, you can't just simply change your specialty or areas in nursing without getting the necessary trainings and certificates."

Amanda was actually saddened for the loss of opportunity. She certainly wanted to work with children and was curious how it would feel like working a normal working hours like everyone else, without crazy shifting schedules and her nights a marathon with Netflix. Goodness, when was even the last time she watched some television?

"So you mean it's more complicated than breaking off a relationship and starting a new one?"

"Ah..." She stared at her bestfriend, confused for a moment. What were they talking again? "Yeah, I guess," she answered anyway, now noting the sudden wistful expression on her friend's expression.

Amanda was now curious what was happening with her bestfriend. She felt bad enough already that they haven't had a chance to really bond these last couple of days, especially now that she might only had tomorrow left until she decide to leave Countryside again.

"I mean, you certainly don't need any certificates to submit to make you qualified to apply for the new relationship," Amanda continued, shrugging. "Definitely there are no trainings to undergo and application forms to fill-out."

"Imagine that though," Rosalyn snorted. "You, going to handout out an application form to your suitors at the start of the date."

"That's a novel idea."

"Please carefully fill out your name, civil status, occupation, and amount in your savings account, history of diseases in your family, your likes and dislikes, your five-year plans, any expectations in the relationship and so on."

"As much as I like your crazy idea, I don't think that will work."

"Hmmm, you'll never know Mandy. Maybe I'll try it next time," Rosalyn quipped.

"You're insane for even thinking that," Amanda chuckled and shook her head at her bestfriend. She could just imagine the chaos that would ensue.

"Atleast it could prevent any unnecessary heartaches in the future."

Oh. Her humour gone, Amanda stilled and sat straight on her seat hearing the hint of bitterness in her friend's voice. She raised her brows at her but Rosalyn just shrugged in return.

Okay, this needed an intervention.

With swiftness she could manage on her black four-inch heels she wore for the occasion, Amanda went and quickly grabbed her sister's stashed bottle of brandy from the cabinet, refilled Rosalyn's glass and urged her to drink up. This called for a strong drink than the sparkling wine they were indulging earlier.

She sat down and stared at her friend. "Okay Rosie, what's happening with you?"

She watched Rosalyn closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath and Amanda was getting worried. "And don't say nothing," she told bestfriend before the other woman could even open her mouth.

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