Bad day

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Peter was having a bad day. Like worse then usual. He was late to school and lost, yet again, another backpack. It had his chemistry homework in it. On top of that he was feeling dysphoric. See, Peter was a transgender male. He was born Rachel, born into a girl's body. But for as long as he can remember he never felt like a girl, he felt like a boy. He was a boy. But being trans comes with many downfalls. Like being bullied for who he is. And that brings us to the present where Peter is standing, looking Flash Thompson in his eyes.

"Go head, girl, let's see what you got." Flash antagonizes. He knew Peter wouldn't do anything. He couldn't or Flash light end up with a serious concussion. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees his friends Mj and Ned and his boyfriend, Harley Keener. Harley looked worried, probably wondering why Flash was talking to him.

"What're your friends gonna do? They can't do anything. Feminist freak, fatso and the fag trying to save the abomination that is you." Flash spits. (Who's man is this? Somebody better come get him.) After Peter hears that, he loses all self control. He was fine with Flash picking on him, even though it made him want to cry sometimes but when he starts insulting his friends. You may as well say your last goodbyes. The next thing he knew he was punching Flash in the face, on the floor. He got some good punches in before Harley pulled him off. Everyone was in shock, even the teachers. They never expected, role model, goody two shoes, Peter Parker to get into(and win) a fist fight. Then Principal Morita walks up.

"What I the meaning of this?" He yells.

"Parker beat the crap out of me!" Flash snitched. Harley was currently holding onto Peter like his life depended on it. He was softly crying, so no one would notice.

"Well don't be such a transphobic douche then, Eugene!" Mj yelled at him.

"I didn't do crap!"

"That's a lie and you know it!" Harley snarled.

"I don't know what your talking about! All I know is Peter beat me up, unprovoked." Flash said holding his nose. It was probably broken.

"Such a fucking lie and you know it! Might as well fess up!" Ned said, angrily. Ned never swore but when he did, you know he was super mad.

"I don't care! My office now! All five of you!" Principle Morning yelled over them.

As they sat in the office, waiting for their parents to pick them up, Peter had his head in Harley's chest. Emotionally tired. Mj, Ned and Harley tried talking to him but he didn't respond. Peter just wanted to go home. Which will be a surprise when Tony Freaking Stark walk in to sign Harley and Peter out. May and Happy are on their honeymoon so Peter has been staying with Tony. Principal Morita sat their looking at all of them, angrily, waiting for their parents.

"What was so important that I had to be called out of a very important meeting?" Tony asked, clearly joking--to Peter and his friends anyway, he gladly welcomed things to interrupt his meeting--as he walked into the office. Principle Morris sputtered as he stood up from his chair.

"W-what are you doing here, Mr.Stark?"

"Your secretary called me about Peter and Harley." He says as it's obvious.

"O-oh, well, Peter got into a fist fight today." Mortia gestured to Flash while had an ice pack on his nose. "Unprovoked."

"Yeah...I doubt that." He says before walking over to Peter and Harley. "What really happened?"

Peter shook his head so Harley answered for him. "He was called Rachel and Flash insulted us so he started beating the crap out of him."

"As he should." Mj adds. Ned nods. Tony frowned, looking at Peter, who was still curled up into Harley's chest.

"Well clearly that wasn't unprovoked." Tony stated looking back at Mortia.

"E-even if it wasn't, we have a zero tolerance violence policy! He's suspended for two weeks." Mortia said.

Tony scoffed, "Yeah and what about my kid who was bullied? Is Eugene suspened?"

"Well, n-no,he was the one who got hit." Mortia tried to justify.

Tony sighed, "I'm done talking to you. You'll hear from my lovely wife next. I'm taking Peter and Harley home, thank you very much." Tony walled over to Peter and Harley, who reluctantly stood up before turning to Ned and Mj. "Do you two need rides home?"

"No, my mom is on her way." Ned answered.

"Mine too but thanks Stark." Mj answered.

"Alright. Let's head out, kiddos." Tony said, guiding Peter and Harley to the door.

"Bye Peter." Ned waved with a frown.

"Bye loser, text you later." Mj nodded. Peter gave a weak smile to both and then leaned back into Harley.

When they got to the tower, Peter went straight to his room. The people in the living room were quite confused as he passed without a hello.

"What wrong with my Ребенок паук? And why are you guys home so early?" Nat asked.

"Peter got suspended and we got sent home." Harley said, sitting down.

"What happened?" Steve asked.

"He broke someone's nose in a fist fight." Harley said. Everyone looked like they were about to speak when he spoke again. "He deserved it though! He insulted me, Mj and Ned then called Peter Rachel. He should be hit harder."

"Can I kill him?" Nat asked already grabbing her knife.

"No killing minors or any civilian!" Steve said.

"I can make it look like an accident though! Or even a suicide!" She exclaims before looking at Harley and both of them screaming, "Like Heathers!" They laughed before turning back to the conversation.

"I agree with Nat. It shouldn't be that hard." Clint nodded.

"You can't go around killing people, even of they really, really, really deserve it...." Wanda argued before taking a moment to actually think about it. ".....I take that back. Go ahead, Natasha."

"No one is killing anyone! As much as I'd like to, that doesn't help Peter." Harley shouted. "I'm going to check on Peter, so y'all get your acts together." Harley walks away to Peter's room. He knocked on the door and came in after he heard a small 'come in'. He sat on the bed next to Peter.

"How're ya doing darlin'?"

"Ok, I guess." Peter mumbles. Harley layed next to him, pulling Peter into his chest. "I didn't mean to break his nose, or even actually hurt him. I just go so tired of him picking on me and then he started insulting you guys... I just couldn't hold it anymore."

"It's ok, babydoll. Tony and Pepper will handle it. Everyone has a breaking point. I'm surprised you didn't do it earlier to be honest." Peter and Harley chuckle. "You might also want to see that Nat and Clint don't go hunt him down and kill him."

Peter groaned.

"Come on then, babydoll." Harley said, pulling Peter out of bed. Harley always knew how to make him smile. "I love you so much, you know that right?"

"Of course. I love you too." Peter grins before kissing the taller boy softly. "Thank you for helping me."

"Always darlin'. Don't ever listen to Eugene because you are way more of a man then he'll ever be." Peter giggled.

"God I love you..." They kissed once more before walking out of the room, hands locked.

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