New Beginnings

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Dear Simon

I know this may be a little confusing.

But it is true, I'll explain everything later.

I just want to say that I miss you and Paul. I never wanted things to end the way they did.

I'm sorry, I fucked up.

I was just so young and stupid and scared.

I hope you find it in our heart to forgive me. Maybe you might want to stay in contact, but if not that's okay, I understand.

I miss you.

Love, Lady. Xx


Liam waited at the school bench for his brothers. Being 16 now with a car license means he has to be the Chauffeur now. Getting impatient he walks into the school to look for his brothers. He finds a group of the 'popular' kids around some innocent kid. Liam sees that it's not just any kid... but Zayn.

"HEY BACK OFF" Liam yelled without any hesitation. Running to Zayn's side and pushing a boy named Mark Zonogain to the ground.

"Fuck you Liam" Mark snapped back getting help from his posy.

"What's wrong Mark, need to outnumber someone to feel strong do ya?" Liam was tired of this, Zayn was getting picked on by this prick and Mark never learnt his lesson.

"Why don't you fight someone one on one for a change?" Liam challenged giving Mark a shove. Liam knew Mark was a little pussy he would never be up for a fair fight, he always has to go for the fight where he has an advantage.

"Fine" Mark agreed to throw his hands up in defeat.

"You, me, tomorrow after school" Mark clarified. Liam gave a chuckle, this was too good. Liam believed that violence was not always the answer, but he was so much stronger than most of the boys in school. Mark was a strong kid but for a 15-year-old. Liam would snap Mark like a twig.

"You honestly want to fight me" Liam smiled, he just thought this was hilarious.

"I would kill you" Liam warned the younger boy.

"What are you too chicken?" Mark teased and started to cluck at Liam. His friends joined in soon enough.

"I have an eleven-year-old brother who has better trash talk than you" Liam scoffed 'how old are these guys?'

"Make it a deal Liam. You fight me and win, I'll leave Zayn alone" Mark raised his hand to seal the deal. Now, Liam was against violence but if it meant protecting his family from these assholes than... so be it.

"Deal" Liam smiled shaking Mark's hand.


Liam drove home with Harry and Niall in the back on the phones completely ignoring the world around them. Liam didn't miss those shrugs he received when he asked them how they're day was.

Zayn was in the front as much to Harry and Niall's dismay and the whining of "Zayn always gets the front seat." While Liam was driving the music stopped and the car phone starting ringing, which irritated the two in the back and soon enough the earphones were in.

"Hey dad" Zayn and Liam greeted his father on the other line.

"Hey Zee and Li, are Harry and Niall okay?" Simon asked and Liam answered for the boys knowing they wouldn't be paying attention.

"They're fine, they're just on their phones right now" Liam sighed.

"How's your day Harry?" There was no answer so Zayn took it upon himself to get Harry's attention. Zayn looked back to see Harry typing away on his phone. Zayn punched the boy in the thigh causing Harry to groan.

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