Zayn the Introvert

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Zayn didn't seem like everyone else in the family. He was very mysterious and he likes to keep to himself. It was safe to say that Zayn was an introvert.

He didn't make friends easily but when he did he valued them. He is a good friend to have and would stick up for you when needed. Some days Zayn would be really funny and outgoing other days he was just happy to be by himself in bed and today was one of those days.

"Zayn" Simon called

"You've been in bed all day, come on down and socialised." He ordered and Zayn could think of a million things he would rather do than go downstairs and socialise.

"Please Daddy let me pass on this one" he begged but of course that wasn't good enough for Simon.

"Zayn" he started off calmly... then started screaming "GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THAT BED AND STOP BEING SO LAZY BEFORE I COME UP THERE AND DRAG YOU DOWN HERE."

Zayn rolled his eyes, this was a losing battle and walked downstairs to his father.

"That's better" Simon praised. The boys joined seconds later, Louis naturally running into Simon's arms and tightly wrapping his arms around his neck. Zayn thinks that all the boys have realised that Louis is his favourite, Not that Zayn thought that Simon didn't love them they just knew that Louis had a special spot in his heart.

Simon snuggled Louis to his side and kissed his cheek, "boys, daddy is going to be throwing a small house party tonight and I want you all to be on your best behaviour. Louis, I still want you to be in bed at 7:30 and Niall you have until 8. Harry, Zayn and Liam I'm letting you stay up till 10 is that clear. the boys nodded in an agreement all looking excited about the party... except Zayn. He didn't like meeting new people, he didn't like coming up with small talk this was just too much pressure.

"Will uncle Paul be there?" Louis asked batting his eyes. Zayn always believed that Louis had Simon so tightly wrapped around his little finger he could even get away with murder.

"Yes, he will be, baby" answering the little boy's question.

Zayn cheered a little he liked his uncle Paul he was nice and he understood more of Zayn's anxieties more than his own father did. so Zayn was certain he could hide with his uncle.

"Alright boys, if you clean this house up, dress in your finest clothes and behave really good, I'll take you all out to the ice cream place you all like." this was special because Simon never let them eat unhealthily so this must mean this party is really important. Zayn just hopes that he doesn't mess up. Zayn never means too, just at times when he's too nervous to talk to people or just not feeling to hold up a conversation. It comes off as rude and Simon always punishes the boys for being rude especially if they're his guest.

Simon dismissed the boys taking Louis who was still in his arms and nearly asleep and Niall to his room and hopefully, Louis will take a quick nap. Simon didn't need a cranky Louis for the party. Zayn did what he did best go hide in his room until time ran out and he had to get ready for the party. Finally, he can be alone-.

"Zayn" Liam called. God damn, it Zayn thought to himself. Liam's walked towards his top bunk and laid next to him.

"Zayn are you okay?" He generally asks knowing how Zayn feels about social gatherings. He replied with a shake of the head from under his quilt.

"I figured" Liam gestured.

"come'on I'll help you with you're social anxiety if you help me with something" he suggested gaining Zayn interest enough to push the bed covers away from his face.

"Help you with what?" he asked.

"Well, you know Betty and Arthur Camble?"

"Yeah" Zayn dragged out wondering where he was going with this.

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