"I have girl problems."

Now Liam was interested. He closed his laptop placing it gently on the floor.

"You're not with Tanna are you?" Liam frowned.

"Whose Tanna?

Liam sighed "somebody that I used to know."

"Anyway... so I've been seeing this girl and..." he dragged not wanting to say.

"And what" Liam was curious, he has been acting weird for a while. Maybe this girl is the reason.

"And people might not approve."

"Who is it?" Liam asked bluntly now thinking of many bad things that could happen to Zayn. He just wants his brother to be safe.

"Her name is Mila"

"Mila who?..."

"Liam please don't freak out okay. I really like this girl."

"What is her last name?" Liam ordered.

Zayn gave a huff "Donna."

Liam's eyes shot open. Mila Donna the 23 year old teacher was doing stuff to his 13 year old brother. RED LIGHTS FLASHING.

"Zayn you can't be serious" Liam was shocked and hoped Zayn was kidding and tell him "nah I'm just gay" or something.

But he wasn't joking. He just slowly nodded his head.

Liam took a breath. He wanted to tell Simon but Zayn would never forgive him. He's just looking out for Zayn and his best interest.

"Here Zayn I know you don't want too" he to get straight to the point with Zayn.

"But you can not date a 23 year old, Zayn."

The younger boy just rolled his eyes.

"No Zayn, I'm serious. You care about her right?"

Zayn nodded.

"And you want what best for her right?"

Zayn gave another nod. Of course he cared about her.

"Then continuing what you are doing is going to put her in prison for twelve years. That's not good for her right."

Zayn hated what he was hearing but he knew it was true.

"She 23 that means she'll be out when she's 35, she lose so much of her life Zayn. You can't do that to her."

Now he was guilt tripping Zayn. He didn't want to let it go I mean. He thought he could get away with it, they haven't even had sex.

"It will come out eventually." That was the selling point that Liam said to Zayn.

God dam'it why can't relationships ever be simple.


Harry watched Karen in the kitchen. She was baking her famous cookies but they were demon cookies. They have no flavour and they are rock hard.

Absolutely no good.

"Hey Karen" Harry greeted.

The woman scoffed "what do you want?" Not looking at the boy.

"Nothing, Simon just wanted to give you this." He said pulling out a bunch of daisies and sunflowers that he picked out from his backyard, from behind his back.

Karen snatched the flowers from the boy and scrunched up her face.

"Ugh, how many times do I have to tell him, I. Only. Want. Roses" she huffed dropping the flowers in the bin.

"And you know what Harry-" she said but she was cut off with the front door slamming shut.

Harry escaped outside walking passed Niall with Stacy hanging off him like a necklace.

"Hey Niall" he greeted not looking down to the struggling boy.

"Harry please help" Harry ignored his pleas and walked straight to Taylor's car.

"You ready?" She asked.

Harry smiled back putting on his sunglasses.




So 1 down 14 more to go. What are you opinions on the relationships in this story.

Simon and Karen

Harry and Taylor

Niall and Stacy

Louis and Ashley


Liam (Liam is me BTW)

Who has the cutest relationship?

Plus I think I'm two chapters I'm going to write what Harry and Taylor do together. It's going to be based on one of my favourite movies. So you guys have to wait and see.


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