We were dismissed.

Ben and I went to the Cafeteria and got us salad. We split it and shared a drink.

"Oh Berica is sharing food and drinks" someone said.

Me and Ben just kissed each other.

"We are together so we can do what we want to" I said.

"So you guys could make out all day long" another person asked. Ben just nodded his head.

"Well have fun. Good luck with her" some first years said while making an evil smirk.

They were ether jerks or they work for Spyder and was trying to get a message to Ben.

Me and Ben left.

When we got to his door I opened it. I wasn't suspecting water that was brown and had urine to dunk me.

"Ben what the heck. I thought you liked me. Why did you set this. You don't like booby trapping things." I whispered screamed.

"Erica I am so sorry that was not me" he said

"Yes it was" I said

"It really wasn't" he replied 

"Ugh Fine But who did this. Also come over here" I said to Ben.

Bens face was telling me but you smell bad.

"No Ben come over here" I said a little more stern.

He came over.

I then hugged him and dug my wet hair in his neck and on his chest. Now he was wet and smells bad.

"Thanks a lot Erica" Ben said sarcastically 

"Tell me who did this. Is there anyone who seemed to be a jerk to you" I said.

Right then both me and Ben realized it.

"The group of first years" we said.

"Ben are any of those moles or double Agents" I asked.

Ben nodded his head no.

"Ok Ben let's clean your room up. Then we can spray it with something that smells good so it doesn't smell like the stuff that dumped on me. Then we shower give those kids a lesson." I said

He agreed. We cleaned up the mess then went to go shower and now we are at the first year dorms.

Ben and I found which dorm was Who's and who the kids were. We both are the best spy's in this school so you know.

"Erica darling I am done" Ben said.

"Great job" I said and kissed him.

He booby trapped their doors where if they walked in they would walk through a mist of bad smelling rotten fruit and it is the type of mist as in Bens mist that you have to take lots of showers to get the smell out.

"Let's go into the woods" Ben said.

We started walking and then we heard a few screams. I am pretty sure they were like this"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE HECK"

Me and Ben both laughed.

Ben slipped his hand in mine and started running I was running behind him wondering what was wrong.

"Come on Erica" he said

"I am coming honey" I said. Wow I am using sweet words. Wow what did he do.

"Stop" Ben said.

He lifted me up and carried me. What is he doing. Well then he we went to go climb a tree.

"Ben what are you doing" I asked

"Oh yeah just get on my back and hang on. I am doing something Erica style" he said.

I got onto his back. He went climbing up the tree. I just laid my head on his back. He is strong.

He got to the top of the tree and there was a zip line.

"You sure did Erica style" I said.

We both got onto it. We just wanted to hug each other for some reason so I got onto him again. 

We finally finished and stopped.

There was a big open space and there was candles and snacks and a music player and a cooler of drinks.

"Erica here we go a date. We can stay here as long as you like" he said

"Thanks Ben" I said.

He just smiled and kissed me.

"May I have this dance" he asked.

I nodded. He grabbed my hand we started dancing. It was actually fun.

"I love you Erica. You brighten my day" Ben said

"I love you too. You let me have fun and try to convince me to have fun and you make me feel like whenever I am doing something boring as long as I am with you I will always have fun." I said

Oh this was nice. Just a relaxing night.

He then kissed me.

"You are the best girl I know and could know" he said

I just smiled.

Then he spun me and dipped me.

"I am having so much fun" I said.

We went over to the snacks and we ate it. Then we looked at the beautiful stars.

I started gettin tired so I moved closer to Ben. I laid my head on him and scissor locked our legs together so he couldn't go.

"I am always happy with you" I told Ben.

"I am always happy with you too" Ben said.

"Goodnight Ben" I said. Ben just moved his head closer to me and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight Erica" he said then I realized something and said

"We finally have a break for now"

Ok that is the end of the book.

Sorry this is shorter

Erica and Ben are just so darn cute.

Well have a good day😌

Spy School: Dead Weaselजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें