Vivi's warning

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"I don't think it's a good idea you going." This was at least the fifth time today Vivi had said this but I was still stuck in my conviction that it would be ok.

"Oh hush. It's going to be fine," I said as I piled clothes into a bag on my bed, "the baby's not due for another month, we're perfectly safe."

"Its not unheard of for babies to come early, and you could have gotten the date wrong."

"Look, me and Cardan want one last chance to be alone before our lives are completely uprooted, without having to worry about running things here." My suitcase was almost fit for bursting, and I strained to fit more clothes into it. I had not paid attention to anything I was putting in, and now feared I may have slightly over packed. "You have been watching far too much reality TV. Heather needs to start monitoring you."

"Its called reality TV because its rooted in REALITY Jude! You really need to be more cautious." Vivi crossed her arms under her chest and I could tell she was grinding her teeth through her closed mouth.

"We're going, and nothing you say is going to convince me."

"Fine. But do you at least have some plan for if the worse starts to happen? Nobody is going to be able to get to you out there."

Phew, I'd won. "On the very rare chance that I do go into labour, I'm bringing books on labour and delivery so me and Cardan can work it out." I said rather proudly, jumping up onto the suitcase and beginning the difficult task of trying to zip it up.

Vivi did not hide that she was absolutely done with my shenanigans and stormed out the room, letting out a rather frustrated, very non-human sound. I giggled to myself and jumped off of my suitcase in relief that I'd finally managed to do it up.

"Why does Vivi look like you just told her to get lime and raisin omelettes again?" Cardan was suddenly behind me, I hadn't seen him all day. I was in charge of packing for our little trip, and he was in charge of making sure the whole of faerie didn't burn down while we were gone.

"Oh, she's just being an overprotective big sister. She doesn't think it's a good idea us going, so close to the due date you know."

Cardan went pale, "Maybe she's right. Maybe we shouldn't go. This was a bad idea." Cardan was now spiralling, he was running a hand through his hair so fast I was sure he was going to rip all his gorgeous locks out in the next tug.

"Its going to be fine. The baby's not due for a month! We have plenty of time. And I want some alone time with you before we cast off into running a kingdom and running after a toddler." I walked over and grabbed a hand in mine, before gently squeezing it.

My reassurances seemed to help a little. Some colour returned to Cardan's cheeks, but I could still tell he was worrying like an old maid in a storm.

"I promise ok. Now lets go have some fun." I winked. Cardan responded with a small smile and kissed me gently on both cheeks before walking to the over stuffed bag on our bed.

"After you my Queen," Cardan said, bowing mockingly.

I giggled, "As you wish, my King." And strolled out of the door.

A few hours later we had arrived at our intended destination. We had taken the usual mode of travel, a few Marrowort steads, but had attached a carriage on them due to the fact I was no longer in a condition in which riding astride atop one wouldn't be a very good idea.

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