"I made you french toast" trying to bribe him into coming out.

"Sweet or savoury?" Zayn asked voice muffled from under the quilt.

"Sweet" Liam answered causing Zayn to sit up on his bed.

"With syrup and strawberries too, Liam you shouldn't of have" he teased.

Liam left the plate with his younger brother and went over to his father's bedroom.

"Dad" he knocked on the door thinking he'll be awake by now. he wasn't. Liam rolled his eyes. If his father didn't get up now than he would have to babysit his brothers and that was just not going to cut it. He walked over to the side of the bed Liam knew he was sleeping on and dropped down sitting on his father 'by accident'. He heard a groan and the quilt start to move.

"Oh sorry Dad, I didn't see you under there" he lied. Simon peered over the quilt knowing he was full of shit.

"Good morning Liam". he greeted sitting up and taking the plate from Liam's hands.

"and what do we have here," he said excitedly wanting Liam to feel happy for making breakfast for everyone.

"French toast with syrup and fresh strawberries" he answers back.

"Looks delicious thank you," Simon said kissing his older son on the forehead. He looked up from his plate of food to ask Liam a question "How much time do I have?" he asked in a serious tone. Liam knew what he was talking about and replied.

"Um. I think you have like 10 seconds" and as Liam began counting down Simon started to scoff down his food in hope of making a dent in it before time ran out. by the time Liam made it to one, Louis was already bursting through the door calling "DADDY!" running and jumping on the bed to get his father's attention. Simon quickly put the plate down and wrapping his youngest in his arms.

"Good morning my little baby" he greeted pecking a bunch of kisses on Louis' face making him squeal and giggle. Liam felt as if he was violating a precious father-son time and left the bedroom so he could finally eat.


It has been a very productive day for Liam he has finished all his homework, cleaned his room, did his chores, and now he can waste the day away with playing in the park with his friends. He walked into the playroom where he knew his father would be playing with Niall and Louis. They were playing a game of "Go Fish" one of Simon's favourite games to play with the two youngest, he believed they're being too young to play a game of Poker or Blackjack.

"Hey daddy," he said causing Simon to rotate to look at which of his many sons this was.

"Hey bub, what are you up too?" Simon questioned knowing that Liam wanted something.

"Um" getting a bit nervous now. Simon didn't like the boys going out on their own, he always found some excuse to not let them go. In Simon's mind, it was better for them being home where he knew they were safe than out in the world doing god knows what with god knows who.

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