Work around it

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Dad turned the corner on to the main road and then we turned another corner. Dad turned on the radio and we listened to 'journey separate ways'. We pulled up in the parking lot of dollar general. I asked if I could stay in the car since dad wouldn't be long. "Sure, I'll bring you out a snack too." My dad said. I nodded as dad unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car.

He went over to my side of the car and opened the door. "Are you sure you don't wanna come in?" I nodded. "I'm positive." Dad ruffled my hair and then he closed the car door back. I saw him walk inside the store and then he disappeared as the automatic doors closed. I took out my phone and started playing some games on it. Within 5 minutes, my dad was already walking back to the car. He pulled out a milky way bar and handed it to me. "Thanks dad." I said.

Our next stop was Walmart. This time I had to go in because dad said he needed my help picking out the groceries so it would be easier for him so he would know what I wanted. Dad helped me into my wheelchair and he wheeled me inside. I didn't really get as insecure as I did when I first started going out in public in a wheelchair, but I still am insecure. He wheeled me inside the main part of the store to the produce aisle. Dad picked out some fruit and put it in the basket and then he asked me what type of fruit I wanted. "I like peaches." I said. Dad put a couple peaches in one of those thin plastic bags and then he put it in the basket.

I helped dad pick out some cereal, chips and basically other things too. Dad even got some homemade chocolate chip cookies that we put in the oven. He said that I could decorate them with frosting. Then dad paid for the groceries and we left. A couple people stared at me, but I didn't really pay attention to them. At least not the ones that didn't smile back at me. We went to the car and dad helped me in the backseat out of the wheelchair. Then dad started loading the groceries into the trunk. I started editing pictures on my phone to post on my instagram account. I still use my real name on there, but of course not my real self.

I uploaded a picture of 'myself' in a forest by a cliff with a riverside view. I started getting likes instantly but then I put my phone away once dad came back in the car. "Ready to go sport?" He asked. "Yeah."

Dad got in the passenger seat and we drove out of the parking lot. We went to a taco bell and ordered some lunch before continuing our errand run. "We have one last stop, it's the post office on the way back home." Dad explained. "I just have to mail this one letter and then we'll go home." We pulled up right next to the post offices mail box. Dad plopped the letter in and then we drove off. "That was fast." I said. Dad laughed. "It sure was."

When we pulled up in the driveway, dad got my wheelchair out of the backseat and put it on driveway. Then he picked me up and put me in my wheelchair and wheeled me in the house. "Stay down here until I come back coop." I really didn't want to, but I had to because if I tried to wheel myself up the stairs then my dad would get mad because he thinks I might fall down. I had to sit there and wait for dad to bring in all the groceries before I could go upstairs. I tried to discreetly wheel myself by the stairs, but my dad glanced over and told me to stop.

He came into the living room and wheeled me back over to where I was in his sight. "Don't leave this spot." He said sternly. I was a little annoyed at that but I obeyed dad's wishes. After he was done with the groceries, he asked me if I wanted to go upstairs. "Yes." I said. He wheeled me up the stairs and into my room. "I'll be back upstairs in a half hour to change you. My face turned red but I shook it off and nodded.

Dad left the room and I wheeled myself to my laptop. I started answering people's comments on my posts and then I decided to go and play a game on it. I got a dm for Katie so I immediately answered it. 

K: hey Cooper what are you doing?

C: oh nothing really just playing a game

K: where are you?

C: indonesia

K: cool, I wish I could be there with you 🥰

C: aww me too

K: how old are you?

I thought for a minute.

C: 13

K: I'm 12. You're one year older than me 😜

C: lol I guess I am haha

K: I'll talk to you later bye

C: bye

I really liked Katie. She was always fun to talk to. She even told me about how she sometimes travels and how she even knows 3 different languages. I wish I could travel. My thoughts were interuppted by a knock on my door. "Cooper, are you ready?" I closed my laptop and sighed. "Yeah." My dad opened the door and wheeled me to my bed, where he picked me up and put me on it.

I could feel him taking off my pants and unfolding the tabs of my diaper. At least what dad does is he doesn't really talk while he's doing it because we both find it very awkward. He knows that I know that he knows he wishes he didn't have to do this. When dad was done, he told me that dinner would be ready in 15 minutes. I could hear his voice trail off as he went into the bathroom and washed his hands.

I wheeled myself out of my room and downstairs down the ramp. Dad ran after me basically jumping off the stairs and grabbing my wheelchair. "Not so fast Cooper!" My dad hardly ever let me wheel anywhere in the house by myself. So you can only imagine what it's like going out! Dad wheeled me to the table where he brought out a casserole🥘🍲 he made. It was really good so that's why I barley talked through dinner. I was really hungry. But also during dinner I couldn't help but think about Katie.

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