My beginning

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I woke up to the light reflecting on my face. I slowly opened my eyes and then I sat up. I looked at my wheelchair in the corner where I left it last night. I grabbed the crutches next to my bed and tried to walk. But my dad wakes up at the same time so I barley get a chance to stumble over to my wheelchair. "Good morning Cooper. Did you sleep well?" My dad said cheerfully. I nodded. My dad sat me on the bed and brought my wheelchair over. I wanted to try to get in to my wheelchair myself but my dad insisted on helping me.

He put his hands under my armpits and helped me into my wheelchair. He ruffled my hair before kissing my cheek and then he wheeled me out of my room. My mother was never around. The doctors told my parents that I would be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life when I was only a half hour old. My mother decided that she didn't want to be apart of our family and have to take care of a disabled child, so she left and ran off with some other guy.

My dad never told me this but I overheard a couple years ago. He said that mom leaving was the best thing that could've happened to us. My dad wheeled me downstairs to the dining room table. "What would you like for breakfast coop?" I thought for a minute. "Maybe some scrambled eggs 🍳 and bacon 🥓?" I said. "Coming right up!" My dad said enthusiastically.

He was really happy this morning. I could hear the sound of pans being put on the stove and dad turning it on. I patiently waited at the table for my breakfast. I just kept thinking about I would plan my day. But something else weighed heavily on my mind too. It's been on my mind ever since I was really little. 

I wanted to walk.

I knew my dad was extremely overprotective of me and with good reason too because I needed the extra help. But sometimes I wish he would just let me venture out a little. My thoughts were interrupted by a plate being set down I'm front of me. "Thanks dad" I said. Dad smiled. He took his seat at the table and we started eating. My happy thoughts were me being able to jump out of my wheelchair and just walk.

Even if it was just for a day or an hour or seconds. Just so I could know what it feels like. The older I get the more independent I wanna become. And I know dad knows that. He's afraid that if I become too independent then I won't need him anymore. I'm always gonna want my dad, so he should have nothing to worry about. After I finished my breakfast, I waited for dad to collect my plate.

I wheeled myself to the stair ramp and I was about to push myself upstairs, but dad ran from around the corner and wheeled me upstairs. See that's what I'm talking about. I can't really do anything by myself. So it's probably almost impossible to get dad on board with me wanting to walk. Anyway as soon as I got upstairs to my room, my dad helped me get dressed. Whenever I had to change my shirt was fine because I could easily do that myself.

It was just my pants and...... diaper that I needed help with. I'm ashamed because I have to wear diapers even though I'm not a baby. Dad usually changes me and when he does I try not to make eye contact. I can't help that I really can't control my pelvic muscle. But if still gets to me that I sometimes have accidents. Like today.

My dad layed me on the bed and I heard him unfold the straps on my diaper. I looked away as I felt the diaper come off and the cold air hit. Dad took out some special type of wipes and wiped me down. Then dad put another diaper on me with some new pants. Then dad helped me back into my wheelchair. "We have to run a few errands today, so we're leaving in 5 minutes". I nodded as dad left my room.

I wheeled myself over to my laptop on my desk. I didn't tell my dad but I have a Instagram. If dad found out then he would make me delete it because I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. But I enjoy it because I feel like I can be normal for once.

Of course my profile picture is a totally different guy and he travels to different cities. I knew that if I showed everyone who I really was, then no one would follow me. I already have at least 7k followers! And I already started a dm with this girl named Katie and I think she's really interested in me. I use my real name because that's really the only thing I felt confident about posting.

After I uploaded a picture of 'myself' skydiving, dad told me it was time to go. I quickly clicked off the page and wheeled myself out of my room. I rolled myself down the ramp to downstairs. Then I wheeled myself in the car and then dad carefully helped me in the backseat. Dad folded up my wheelchair and put it in the trunk and then he closed my door before dad got into the driver's seat.

Dad started the car and then we slowly bagged out of the driveway and then we drove down to the first stop sign at the end of our street.

Hope you like this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!!


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