The sensation

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We came home later on today and dad made me rest. I thought he was gonna take me to my room, but he set me down on the couch. "I want to make sure that you don't hurt yourself from falling down. Especially since your legs are acting kinda funny, I wanna keep an eye on you." My dad said propping my legs up on two pillows he stuck together.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything, but you better rest." He pecked my head and disappeared into the kitchen, with the sound of pots and pans clanging together that signaled to me that he was cooking. I knew dad wanted to keep a keen eye on me due to my recent attempts to learn how to walk solo.

I looked over to see my wheelchair just sitting there barren. Even my imprint in the seat part of it had dismissed itself. Oh how I wished I could just get up and walk away from this whole thing literally, but I couldn't. But legs were still tingling and the doctor couldn't find anything wrong with them.

Maybe this was a sign. A god sent gift that would be a prospect for me to walk again. A second wind after the first time of trying and fighting.

My thoughts focused on that. I became more determined than ever to walk. And to do what I needed, to overcome this obstacle that was an ambition to tear me apart.

At dinner time, I stayed quiet while dad became more interested and perturbed on wanting a clear cut diagnoses. I stayed quiet, consistently shoving fork fulls of fusilli chicken pasta into my mouth. Dad observed and remained quiet the rest of dinner and kept his head down. I took my soon empty plate and cup and wheeled myself to the kitchen to dump it into the dishwasher.

My stomach knotted, knowing that wasn't the end of it upon hearing dad's footsteps come up behind me and wheel me to the side. "Take it easy Cooper," He said with a slightly irked tone. "Stay right there." He ordered after setting the dishwasher and then compiling with taking me upstairs to my room.

"Why don't you catch up on some homework okay?" I nodded and dad hesitantly left the room, but his footsteps still remained outside through the crack of the door. He finally left, which is when I turned my attention to the computer. I completed a few assignments, but my attention became lost to finding a site that I had googled earlier about learning to walk when paralyzed.

I took notes and hid them within my notebook and then continued my studies. Nighttime came and on the clock, dad barged in and insisted on my nightly routine. "Are you ready coopie?" I nodded wordlessly and complied with everything dad wanted of me. Even not moving a muscle. Dad gave me a bath while I brushed my teeth. Then he put lotion on my body and changed my diaper. I always cringed at that part because of how babyish it felt. I didn't count on dad not seeing that way, due to his affirm on me not trying to walk. I bet if he could, he would handcuff me to this abhorrent four wheeled piece of machinery.

Dad lotioned my body and then sent me to bed with a story and some reassuring words that I think he was saying mostly to himself. "Now Cooper, I promise everything is gonna be okay. Your legs are fine and the doctor even said that they couldn't find anything wrong. It's a pinched nerve they think remember?" "Yeah." I finally choked out softly. "Later on this week is your brain scan so it's vital that you rest yourself okay? That means, no trying to get up from your wheelchair unless it's an absolute emergency and even then I'll always be near by."

I nodded. "Cooper?" "Yes. I promise." My dad seemed satisfied with that answer and with that he tucked me into bed. "Goodnight my sleepy lamb." "Goodnight." Dad landed a kiss on my forehead and then he left my room, slowly closing the door behind him.

I made up my mind that I would lay low on the walking thing mostly because of the tingling sensation and how I truly did not want to hurt myself. But I'll just have to wait and see what the doctor says also.....

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