Chapter 9: Giving Hope and stopping Roman

Start from the beginning

Y/N: What do you think will happen, when the world itself will learn about grimm able to beat any huntsman in the world, and that not at full power?

Weiss: Fear....

Y/N: That's right, th-

Cardin: You just say "not at full power". What does that mean?!

Y/N: Those Grimm, can use semblance

Everyone whispered louder, as Cardin was laughing

Cardin: Grimm using semblance? Don't be an idiot!

Y/N: Explain this then

A Video showed up of a Voracity, using a glyph, and launching at the camera, as it was able to dodge

Y/N: The new generation can now use Semblance, but only Alpha can use it, and adapt on the fight. But for how much time? Grimm are improving, but we are not, what are we gonna do when THEY will use OUR semblance better than us? Nothing! That's why we have to get stronger, and make sure that everyone is safe from those monster

Silence fills the room, before everyone cheered, and were determined

I smiled at this, as Ozpin step in front of me

Ozpin: From now on, Going outside of the Academy alone is forbidden. Only full team with a special pass given by a proffessor or Mr. Y/N can go out of. That would be all

Random student: Why Y/N can give a pass?!

Ozpin: Because he is the one that fought those Grimm and kill them

We walked out, as i sigh and rub my neck

Y/N: I'm not good for speech lile you

Ozpin: You did pretty good

Glynda: I have to say, you impressed me on this one


I leaned to Ozpin and whisper to him

Y/N: Did Glynda just told me something nice? Who is that impostor?

Ozpin: I don't know myself

I walked out, ignoring the yell of the furious Goodwitch, as i was tackled by a concerned Ruby

Ruby: Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!

Y/N: Yes i'm fine

Weiss: You could have died against them you dolt!

Y/N: If i didn't fight them, then Ruby's mom and Alicia would be dead right now

Yang: Still! You can't fight everything alone!

Blake: She have a point, you can ask us to help you

Y/N: I will be frank about this, you all are too weak to even think of standing against those Grimm

Yang: What did you say?!

Y/N: Open your fucking eyes for a minute!

She flinched, but her eyes were still red

Y/N: This is not a game anymore! One mistake and you all die! We don't know what's going to happen next! If the next Grimm would be more powerful or not!

Yang: Why do you care?!

Y/N: Because i don't want to lose you all!

They're eyes widened, as i looked down

Y/N: Since i came here, you all have been nice to me, even after you learned about my past. We had fun everytime, and i don't wan't it to stop

I looked at them, as a few tears came out of my eyes

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