✰ Chapter Ten ✰

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I'll fix this later but It's Fluttershy's pov LOL.

"Uhm guys. Am I the only one who is actually freaked out?" I grabbed the note from Applejack's hand. "The note seems to be from a person who wants to play a game. Maybe if we win this 'game' then they will leave us alone?" 

"Fluttershy, we can't be playing these silly games. I think the best thing we should do is HIDE THE MONEY YALL THERE'S POOR PEOPLE AROUND

(ignore that, i thought of a tiktok audio)

"Fluttershy, we can't be playing these silly games. I think the best thing we should do is just not get ourselves involved and watch out for each other." 

"As much as I hate to say it, I agree with Twilight. We should let the police handle this." AppleJack said.

"Not to sound rude but you saw how the police handled us, they were so immature about it." I added.

"Yeah, I agree with Fluttershy. The police definitely do not like us and we still have these ankle bracelets on." Sunset pointed down at her shoe. 

"We only got together because we've been trying to prove our innocent, but we are too busy procrastinating to actually find a clue." AppleJack rolled her eyes.

"Well let's vote on what we should do, it's only fair." Twilight said. 

"Alright, one vote with fluttershy and one vote with twilight. The only person who's left is Pinkie Pie."

We all turned to face Pinkie Pie who ate a butterfly.

"Pinkie, no! That butterfly could've had a life and you ended it!" I wiped my face from tears coming down my face.

"No offense Fluttershy, but it's really not that deep." Sunset crossed her arms, tapping her foot repeatedly against the ground as if she was waiting for something.

"Meh, it tasted like chicken." Pinkie Pie said. I was about to politely go off on her but Twilight stopped me. "Anywho, which one should I choose hmm. Should we risk our lives playing a killer's game in which we all could just lead into their trap OR should we not get involved and watch out for each other?" Pinkie Pie stroked her chin.

"Well when you put it that way.." I said, my voice trailing off.

"Team Fluttershy! Playing a killer's game sounds fun!"

"What is wrong with this girl.." Sunset murmured.  

The way Pinkie Pie put it scared me a lot. I don't want to die, and the last thing I'd like is to get murdered. Since everyone already voted, I can't just chicken out. I always chicken out at little things but this is serious and I'm going to try my best.

"Okay uh, I'm not very good at leading things so I'll let.." I paused for a second to look at Sunset.  "Sunset. Sunset should lead, she's better at these things." 

"Huh? I am?" Sunset said with a confused look plastered on her face.

I opened my mouth to say something but Twilight beat me to it. "Heck yeah! Not to mention you're brave and really confident, so you're definitely a good leader." Twilight placed a hand on Sunset's shoulder. Sunset smiled at the compliment.

"Awwww! Are you guys together?" Pinkie Pie bopped her head in between to the two.

"What? Pffftt, no." Sunset said, eyeballing Twilight.

"Yeah and I'm straight." Twilight winked at Sunset. Sunset rolled her eyes and lightly smiled.

"Hmm, okay.. you both are sus tho.." Pinkie Pie said, stroking her chin as if she had a beard.

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