Chapter 5: taking you home

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"Your friend seems to have fractured her leg's bone, but it's not broken she'll have to take about a month off her leg before she can walk without crutches. She's also twisted her right wrist a little so her bandage should stay on for a few weeks. She did cut her head a little on the right as well, but it's not like she has brain damage."

"Would you like to see her now?" She asked, we all nodded, she gestured towards the door, "right this way," and we followed her.

We walked through the halls in the hospital, 'man how do people know wear to go in this place?' I thought.

we reach a metal door with rectangular windows and I could see Adora in there through the window laying on a hospital bed with bandages on her head, her wrist, and a cast on her left leg.

My eyes widen at her state and before I knew it I was pushing everyone aside and opened the doors to Adora. I speed-walked over to her and held her hand carefully not to hurt her.

She opened her eyes fluttering at the bright room, she looked around a little before turning her head slightly to look at me and smiling weakly.

"Hi Catra," she said just above a whisper, I felt relieved that she was okay as I let out a shaky breathe and felt tears start to form but I blinked them away instead.

"Adora I-" I could barely get the words out of my mouth without my voice shaking. I took a deep breathe and looked at her in the eyes.

"Adora, I'm so glad your okay-wait you are okay right?" I asked looking at her in concern, she chuckled lowly, "yes Catra, I'm alright, but it does kind of hurt when I move a wrong angle." She said.

I let out a small sigh of relief and I felt a hand on my, I looked up behind me to see Bow and Glimmer giving us both sad smiles. "How are you?" Bow asked Adora, she shrugged and gave us a lopsided smile.

"I've been better, I really want to go home now." She said kind of smiling, but I can see the sadness that lingered in them, "We know Adora, I don't blame you. If I was in here in your state I would want to go home, eat ice cream and watch binge watch TV all night." Glimmer said making us all chuckle.

"Do they say when I go home?" Adora asked looking between all of us.

I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by a voice from the back at the door. "You will be going home, but we have some questions to ask you." Dr.... Hope said now holding a clipboard with a pen.

"Um, sure!" Adora said, she did look really eager to get home, she was almost vibrating in her seat with excitement. 'Goddammit Adora, why are you so cute!' I thought, and I felt my face heat up a little.

"Okay perfect, first question, have you had any broken bones in the past?" She asked looking up from her clipboard adjusting her glasses.

I looked at Adora and she seemed a little hesitant at first before answering with an unreadable expression. "Yes," I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

She seemed to notice my curiosity and mouthed 'later' at me, I nodded understandingly. "Do you have any guardians with you?" She asked.

"Uhhh, yes" Adora said, but I could tell she was lying, now that I think about I did notice how empty her house is and I don't see any pictures of relatives anywhere, just pictures of her, Glimmer and Bow.

Dr. Hope scribbled down in her clipboard again and looked back up, "How old are you?"

There was a long pause before Adora answered, "I'm 17," she said, and it was the truth.

"When's your birthday?"

"2003, January 13th," (feel free to do the math)

"Okay, we are all set, you can take these crutches," she gestured to the crutches leaning on the side of the bed, "and go home, but you're going to have to skip a few days of school ok?" She said, "ok!" Adora said in relief.

"Alright you can leave this room whenever you like, have a great day!" And with that she left the room.

I turned to Adora who was trying to get off the bed and nearly fell over, but I was quick to grab her by the arms.

"Whoa there Adora! I don't think we need you to break something else trying to stand up." I said half-jokingly and half-serious. I offered her her crutches.

She huffed and rolled her eyes, 'I think I'm rubbing off on her.' but she smiled and took them looking a little embarrassed. 'I don't blame her, I'd be embarrassed too if I had to walk with two sticks under my arms.'

She swung one step and we walked her through the halls down to the last floor. I stood by her side watching her every move to make sure she doesn't fall.

As soon as we're in the parking lot Glimmer and Bow went to take his car, while Adora and I take hers. I opened the side door for her as she went in with tinted pink cheeks.

I opened my door, put on my seat belt as did Adora, and I turned on the ignition and felt the car tremble.

I drove out of the park way to the road and bit my lip, 'Should I ask her now? Or when we get home?'

I look over to her, she's looking out the window with a blank expression as she watched the outside world go by. I opened my mouth, "So, what was all that back there in the hospital. I mean, do you... have parents?" I hesitated to ask.

She turned her head to look at me and sighed deeply through her nose. "I used to... when I was little I had a guardian named Mara, she was really nice we were basically best friends. I walked home after school one day, I didn't see Maras car so I just figured she was late for work, but when I realized she was gone for a long time I began to worry. I've tried calling her numerous times until I just gave up and cried. The next day, I was about to go to the neighbors for help until I found a news paper with the the words 'dead girl found' I was curious so I picked it up and read it, I turned it over the other side and I saw a picture of Mara lying in her own blood. I realized that... she was dead."

I stared at her wide eyed and shocked. Adora had tears in her eyes waiting to be released.

"Jesus, Adora I-" I reached out my hand on her shoulder for comfort, "I'm so sorry. H-how old where you?" I quietly asked.

"10 years old." She answered with her eyes closed to avoid looking at me.

I pulled up in her drive way and looked at her with a concerned face, I put my other hand on her cheek to wipe the fallen tears. She finally looked at me with her big soft blue eyes that held so much emotion.

She leaned into my hand and sniffled. She gave me a sad smile and pulled away from me, I was a little disappointed at the loss of contact.

"W-we should probably go inside." She said and opened the door and wobbled up to the house. I opened my own side door and walked up to the house and opened the door for her.

We walked to the couch and sat down in a comfortable silence. I scooted closer to her and hugged her comforting. She hugged back and we sat there, on the couch, in the comfortable silence.

As nice as this felt, Adora really needs to hear this, "Hey Adora?" I said, "Hum?"

"You should never have to go through that, I'm sorry that you had to see that. I just really want you to know that if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here okay? I promise you I won't leave you. Ever." I said.

She looked back up at me with something in her eyes that I didn't recognize, but it made me feel warm around my chest.

"Catra, when I first met you, just something about you was so different than everyone else. All the times we hung out, all the jokes we've made the past few weeks, I've never felt safer with you than anyone else I met in a long time. So thank you... for staying." She finished.

I felt tears prickle in my eyes as I deeply chuckled and wiped them away.

"You're such an idiot, but seriously Adora thank you. I-I'm glad that you feel safe around me." I said, she smiled, kissed my temple and snuggled close to me. I blushed and felt my heart beat faster.


When we finally got ready for bed we climbed in bed together and cuddled with her head above mine and my own head on her chest.

I smiled as I listened to her heart beat, until I fell asleep. Happy.

Words: 2,265

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