Voice Recording #5: A Job

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Voice Recording #5: A Job.; Violet ####

The recorder was clicked on with a happy... Creepy giggle from the girl who spoke to it.

"I have a job..! It's..... not the job i wanted but it's a job nonetheless!."

One more happy sigh and she spoke again.

"Who would have known that i would have a job... I mean it's such.. An adult thing to have.. As i turned 20 i got to know my job.. I don't mind it.. I mean i wanted the job in the mental institution or something along those lines. I want to help the sick minded people because i understand them.... Sadly they say i'm just as sick in the mind, i just have an advantage..Ryan..."

A long silence before she picked it up again.

"I got my uniform today.. It's kinda.... Skimpy... i guess.. I have to wear it..."

The next entry was logged later in the day, the recording was paused until then. When paused it recorded nothing, just waiting silently for the person recording to return.

"I guess today was my first day.. He didn't tell me until he was leading me there.. I figured out it was my first day when i was shoved into the dressing rooms... Seeing other women changing silently into their outfits.. Each just as short.. I didn't have the chance to grab leggings or such to put under the dress just to conserve my legs...

Men are parasites.. That's the one thing Ryan and i agree on.. I found that out today..
Each moment i silently hoped that Fontaine's child walked in for a check up.... Well i must be hoping for a friendship at least... even if i deny it i can't deny what i naturally feel..."

She paused. Pressing lightly on the buttons.....

"I can delete this or hide it so he doesn't find out. But it doesn't really matter much... why should it... He shouldn't care!

Maybe i should keep my voice down... It's pretty late at night... so maybe i should sleep... But... I'm too angry to... I'm too annoyed...

Men..... that's what i was talking about.... They think it's okay to just flirt with the nurses.. When the doctors walked in it was like they were innocent.

They aren't innocent!!"

She screamed.... She hit the recorder to the ground and kicked it.. The noises of her movements mirrored what she actually did..

A creak of a door opening and then a click of a cane getting closer..

The recorder had no more memory and cut off what happened...

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