Where have I been

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Hello everyone, it's me, Laura_Hollis, I know I have been gone for two weeks and many of you might be wondering where I went, well it's time to answer your questions.

1. Where have I been?

The very reason why I have been gone so long is because I enlisted in a women army camp which of course is situated in an area where there is almost no wifi. And plus with the training, I don't really have much time to write anything until my off days. But luckily I get to book out every weekend so I would be most active on Saturday though I can no longer do debates since I don't have the time for that.

2. Will What if Battles 2 continue?

To answer that question. Yes. However, since I have yet to receive a highly requestes matchup for my 100th battle, I am putting What if Battles 2 on hold for now. So far I am tied between Madara vs Aizen and Darth Sidious vs Master Xehanort though any other ideas are allowed.

If you want to know the terms and conditions of the battle, you can go and check my message board.

3. Will I be updating my books

The answer to that is both a yes or no. Yes is that I will try and update my books on a regular basis but it will not be very frequent.

With that said, that is all. Personally this break has been really great in helping my mind take a break from social media, with my training and bonding with my section mates helping in taking my mind off any problems or headaches from either Wattpad or YouTube or whatever cause after all, this is the moment where I have no need to worry about what the next matchups should be or how fast I must publish a What if Battles 2 chapter or how much research I need to determine my winners. So I am grateful to all those who have been so patient but I will not apologise for taking a break off Wattpad to focus on my now militaristic life.

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