chapter one

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Raven scanned the area,her corrupted pink eyes watching the rain crash and thunder boom. She sighed, moving away from the window. She layed down on the couch, groaning, putting one hand oh her head and one on her stomach. She had a headache and the pain was excruciating. The witch felt numb, the whole world stirring around her. Francisco came into the room and sat down next to her, "Everything fine?" he asked. Raven shook her head frantically, tears forming in her eyes, she held them back, shivering. Fran frowned, not really knowing how to react. "You need help, Raven. I can call Nita and Nanami if you want some company." Raven shook her head and sat up. "I don't want to bother them, I-I'll go to the magical realm.." Fran looked up, his eyes widening. "Magical what?"
Raven smiled awkwardly, "Magical garden! People just say it is but it isn't!" she laughed stiffly. Fran laughed as well, "Oh of course! How couldn't have I guessed!" Raven gave him a clumsy thumbs up. She took to the opportunity to leave the house at once and ran through the wooden door. The redhead almost tripped on the way, the universe still spinning around her. She blinked,continuing to run. Finally, she made it. She watched the magnificent colours of amethyst, turquoise, pink and gold intertwine, and the magical portal glimmered and shone, standing out from the gloomy colours of Glimmerbrook. She went in, the world spinning even more. Raven breathed in the fresh Realm of Magic air, smiling to herself. In the Realm, she just felt like home, like she belonged in the magical world. She went in, going upstairs to the Untamed Sage's lair. "Hey, Wisteria? Have you seen Seo-Jun anywhere? The Mischief Sage? I haven't seen him for a while. "
Wisteria frowned, "The Mischief Sage? Yeah.. He resigned a few days ago. You see, he still hasn't gotten over the Eve thing. But i think I've seen him here today, check the gardens, he is always hiding in there."
Raven nodded,"Thanks!" Wisteria shrugged, not sure if she was correct or not.
The pink-eyed witch ran from portal to portal,finding the gardens. She almost tripped, dead on her feet. "Villareal?" she heard a familiar voice. She looked up, seeing a familiar figure in front of her. She hugged him tight and asked,frustrated, "Where the heck were you?" Seo-Jun frowned and looked down.
"To find a new house I guess, I'm basically homeless.."
Raven's eyes widened, "Homeless? Then why didn't you tell me? You can always stay at ours!"
He went red, "I- I don't want to disturb you, Ravs.. You know that."
"You won't disturb us!" she insisted. "Besides, it's really lonely at home!"
"If you say so ginge." he grinned.
She put her head on his shoulder, "Can we please sit down? I'm exhausted..."
He nodded, gently picking her up and placing her on a nearby bench. He noticed that she looked very disturbed and uncomfortable. Putting his hand on her shoulder, he asked,"Is everything okay, Raven? You seem off..."
She shook her head and buried her face in his chest, "At this point I don't know.. I always feel so dead.. I can't stop feeling so guilty, Seo-Jun! I killed my own aunt! I scarred you! I could never forgive myself! I don't even know how you forgave me! I'm such a monster!"
He sighed, "Raven, I know you are a lot of things, powerful, courageous, feisty. But I know that you are everything but a monster. The reason why I forgave you is because I understand, setting me on fire was the only way! I owe you a lot, Ravs, I owe you a lot.."
She looked up at him, tears in her eyes, "You think so?"
He nodded, "When did I ever lie to you?"
She thought for a moment and shrugged, "I don't know?"
He grinned, "See?"
She grinned back, wiping her tears with her sleeve. She always wondered how Seo-Jun always made her feel better when she was at her lowest. She always wondered if she had more feelings for him then she had thought. Thoughts raced inside her head, she was curious about them all. "Come on," she said, bumping him with her shoulder. "Let's go home."

beyond the portal - a raven villareal storyWhere stories live. Discover now