Exhaling softly, I slipped on a pair of new sneakers, tapping them against the ground to break them in before heading out. I didn't want to sit at home. I didn't want to think. It's a bit early in the month to do inventory, but with Christmas and New Year lurking, it wouldn't really be out of place.

My gaze was purposefully glued to the ground as I left my building. I didn't want to see who was following me today. I didn't want to chance the fact that it might be Tr-Wi-Asshole.

Dottie's eyebrows shot up into her hairline the moment she saw me walk into the restaurant. She quickly turned back to her customers, but I did see some curiosity cross through her eyes.

Her question came the moment she got a free moment.

"You got a date today?" She asked excitedly, hopping up behind me as I worked in the storeroom. I smiled to myself as I felt her warm aura encompass me.

I laughed. "No. I just felt like dressing up."

"Oh, so you're not meeting Trace?" She sighed as my gut reacted violently to that name. "What a shame. He is nice to look at now and then."

"Yup." I gritted out, irritation leaking into my voice.

"Have you met any of his friends?"

"A good amount."

"Do you think you could set me up?" I glanced at her sideways to see her dramatically drape herself against the doorsill. "The market isn't very big for single moms out there."

"Most of them are tied up." I replied blankly, hoping to discourage her.

"Any of them single dad's with kids?" Oh my god. "I don't mind having another little kid."

I took a moment to reply as I counted something out in my head. "You sure you can handle it?"

"Yeah, I could." I could hear the wistfulness in her voice. "I've always wanted two kids."

"Did you now?"

"Yeah." She chuckled. "Even thought I wasn't in the best place when I got knocked up, I was secretly hoping for twins."

My mind automatically went to Sarah and Sylvia. "Get it all out in one go, eh?"

"Yeah. It wouldn't make Miranda feel lonely, you know?" I felt Dottie's fingers run through my open hair. "I mean, she's home by seven, and I usually get home by eleven with the commute so... I think it would do her good to have someone around."

I chewed the end of my pen. Should I stock up on more vodka? "Get a dog. It's a..." But spiked eggnog tastes better with darker drinks. "... a lesser investment than an entire kid."

Dottie gasped, whacking my shoulder before resuming combing her finger through my hair. "You're awful. A dog is no replacement for a kid."

"Some people do talk about them as their kids."

"And good on them."

"I agree with them." I looked up, scratching down the bottles of brandy we had remaining. "They are quite expressive. And I won't need to disfigure my body to get one."

"Disfigure?" She tugged my hair, making me chuckle. "I did not 'disfigure' my body! Miranda is the best thing that happened to me!"

"I believe you." I replied through a sigh. "But I'm not having kids."

"Missing out."

"Not according to me."

"Is this because you were abandoned as a kid?"

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