Ch 3 - Jacobs

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After the gawking, what next? 



Clovis sat in his chair waiting for Prinz Eugen or someone to return with his coffee. Outside the door and down the hall Eugen was approaching a table with the same crowd as last night. Tipper, Odin, and Z23. She poured herself two cups and smiled at the girls. "Would you mind coming with me?"

"All of us?" Asked Hipper.


"How is the newly Commander holding up?" Asked Odin.

"Young Clovis is having a hard adjustment. Him and his father are not seeing eye to eye. He has many questions for his father when he us well enough to talk."

"How long?" Asked Z23.

"Clovis was told weeks. Maybe months."

"So what is next?" Asked Hipper.

"We delivery him the coffee and he goes over more reports. The role of Commander has paperwork." Eugen nodded and proceeded back to the door of the important quarters.

"Allow me to get the door." Tipper opened the door for her sister.

As the small group walks in Clovis is dialing the phone. He is waiting impatiently while on the phone.


< Guten tag. How may I help you? >

"I need to speak to the Commander."

< This is family only as he is resting. >

"I am his son and Interim Commander of Iron Blood. Is that not good enough?"

< Will notify him when he is well. We do not want stress to effect his outcome. >



"Schwachsinn!" (Bullshit) He slammed the phone down. "Ladies, guten morgen. I apologize for that."

"Here you are CJ." Eugen placed the coffee right on his desk. "Is everything alright?"

"Nien." He shook his head. "Might be a week at this rate until I see my father. So by doing so I cannot change his path until I get answers. That will take days, weeks, or even months. That is poor results."

"Do you think that we can steer into a better direction?" Asked Odin.

"We always can. We are Iron Blood. We have the tools, facilities, the drive, and the people. These are the foundations that make this a great nation. But reversing procedure for only a few months at most is poor leadership. That I cannot risk. I would love to make a move. However I will only sink the ship of Iron Blood if my father The Commander is to take my place is such a short amount of time."

"Aye. Makes sense." Agreed Tipper.

"Ja. Now only if your father was well. Might be a nice chat over some coffee."

"Nein." Clovis sighed before taking a sip of his coffee. "Thank you. Very good." He cleared his throat. "I think my business conversation with my father will end up just being a room of shouting with only two people inside."

"We cannot stay the course?" Cried Z23. 

"Z23." Clovis called.

Z23 looked sharp. "Yes Commander!?"

"Looking at my case notes I am unsure if my father's decision is wise. I need to know more. Knowing my father there are details that still need to be explained. Furthermore I wish I could reach out to allies as well as enemies. However I cannot do that either. I cannot reach out to Eagle Union or Royal Navy both of Azur Lane. They are against us at the moment. My father as well as others might see it as treason. And Sakura Empire seems to be hiding something and it can damage the bond we have with them. That said, we cannot afford to risk Azur Lane and Sakura Empire going against Iron Blood. Let alone The Sirens. The Sirens are around. I just know it. To what extent I do not know. I need to read more and sit down my father."

Second Command (Prinz Eugen X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin