Izaya's cuts

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Shizuo's p.o.v.

I got to the door of my house and found out that it was locked so I knocked on the door a couple times. No one answered so I thought maybe Izaya fell asleep or something. Using my strength I twisted the nob until I heard a click and walked in. I went to go check on Izaya because obviously Shinra left. When I got to the door I knocked, hearing know responce I opened the door and there the flea was sleeping peacefully. He still had some of the bruises on him by now but he looks so much better then before. I walked over to the bed and sat down looking at him. Then boom, the guilt came back. The way he was laying down reminded me of the time when I found him in my apartment with a bloody face. He looked so peace full ,but how. I really am a monster. Hmmm I sighed it seemed that I was holding my breath. Should I make breakfast for him I thought to my self as I slid out of the room. It was 9:00 time goes by so fast I usually don't go to sleep at this time but I was tired so I went into my room the I passed out.

The next morning /normal p.o.v

Izaya was sleeping soundly until he started to remember his high school years in his sleep. He remembered how he cut himself. Shinra new about it. The dreams he were having scared him while he slept. He could feel the pain. In the dream he got home from school told his sisters he had homework the went in his room and just sat there for a while not doing anything. For some reason his mind had the best idea ever. I'm only gonna live once thought to himself. He went into the bathroom rolled up his sleeve and got his pocket knife. He pressed it down in to his skin. He let out a breath as the saw the crimson liquid slowly flow down his arm. Izaya was in his dream but in the real world his Russian had tears in the corners of them as he slept having a nightmare. Shizuo wasn't awake because it was 5:34a.m. IZAYA started to cry in his sleep the dream was scary. Izaya just wanted to wake up. Shizuo who was sleeping had to go to the bathroom. He got up and walked out of the room. As he was passing Izaya's tempory room he heard mumbling and wimpers. He opened the door and turned the light on. Izaya's face was dripping with sweat. Tears were sliding slowly down his face and he had his hands gripping the blankets. Shizuo saw that he was having a bad dream. So he had to wake him up.

Shizuo: Izaya wake up, you have to wake up. Izaya's eyes opened and he was crying more now.

Shizuo: Izaya what was the dream about.

Izaya: I can't tell you. His voice sounded shaky and sad. It didn't sound like the Izaya that everyone used to know.

Izaya was scarred and get wanted Shizuo to hug him. That's somthing he really needed right now was a hug.

Izaya: uhm Shizuo please stay in here with me ! I'm scared don't leave me alone . Shizuo knew that Izaya would act different because of the memory loss but he never thought this different.

Shizuo:Sure I'll stay in here with you but only cause I feel guilty.

Izaya: Why do feel guilty?

Shizuo: Do you know how you got that way. He asked sarcasticly he was really wishing that the old Izaya was back.

Shizuo:I can't remember if Shinra told you or not but, we are mortal enemies.

Izaya: You caused me to have amnesia?

Shizuo: Yep I did.

Izaya: Well I I I'm s-sorry i-i didn't mean to do what ever I did to make you mad.

Shizuo looked over to Izaya who had his hands in his lap looking at them. Izaya forgot that Shizuo was in the room since it was so quiet. Izaya wanted to see if he really did cut himself when he was a teen. So he rolled up his sleeves and saw that he had many scars on his wrists. Most of them were invisable to the person that wasn't looking others were very noticeable. Shizuo who was looking at Izaya was only looking at his face then he looked down and saw some cuts on the unbandaged part of Izaya's skin. They all looked old but others looked new.

*Flash back* with Izaya a week before he gets beat up by Shizuo.

Izaya's p.o.v.

I was not happy, not one bit I was bored and sad. The thought of cutting came back to e several times. That medicine Shinra gave me is only working a little bit. I was in my chair spinning on the outside I looked insanely happy as I spun. This mask I wear I can feel it started to crack. Little by little. Bit by bit. Namie was in the room that she called her ofice so I skipped over the the door and knocked.

Izaya: Namie you can leave now. There wasn't a responce but u heard some papers being moved. Then she flung the door open. I just hope she didn't do that on purpose.

The door slammed in to my face it hurt a little bit but I rubbed it off.

Namie: Izaya can I have my pay check. Why is she so greedy she says money money money. But I felt like just giving her the money so that's what I did.

Izaya: Namie your checks waiting for you on the co- I was cut off by a slammed door. Well I guess she found it her self. I walked into my room and then in to my bathroom. On the corner of the bath was the blade. Taunting me. I looked at it. I just couldn't resist. I pick it you slowly. Then lift my sleeve and drag it across my pale skin. A crimson blood spot. Blood fell to the floor. Izaya decided to stop. As he got up he put the blade down and walked out of the bathroom. He was on his way to Shinra's.

End flashback

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