New:" No dad... I will handle all things don't worry... I will try my best that my emotions won't show... If he wants to play games... I will too... Till now I thought he was missing me... He just had his reason that he wasn't trying to find me... But what I saw today... It opens my eyes... Uncle, Mae, my friends, and Gulf... All moved on and never try to find me... This is enough evidence that they don't care about me... *sob* "

"Cry as much as you want today... But from tomorrow be strong... Face it... Show him that you don't care too... OK? Now rest... You need to sleep..."

New:" Yes... Thanks, dad... Good night"

After saying good night I went to my room... I was hating my dad and I will in further too... But because of that, I came to know no one had loved me... Maybe in the past, they were but after what happened with me... They didn't even care... I never thought that my baby will behave like this...
One min... What if he was acting in front of my dad!!! Ya... That must be a reason... How come I never think about this!! He told in the past that he never love anyone after me and told me to trust him... What if this was all act to show my dad!! I have to do something... I have to talk to him alone... Oh God, my head will explode... I have to sleep now... I will think about this tomorrow... I will give you one more chance baby... I am still hoping that what you did today was all acting... If not... Then I don't know what will I do...

With thinking about him I slept...

Next day

I am in my office right now... After getting up and thinking about what happened last night... I came to the conclusion that whatever my baby is doing if it is his plan or revenge or something else... I will ask him directly... For that, I have to do all things secretly... I find Mr.lee's number and called him to apologize to his son-in-law... He told it's OK... They don't want to talk... But I request him... I told him that if they didn't come here today I will feel guilty... So he gave up and told me that he will try to ask his son...

I hope they will come... I really want to know what is happening... And if that Lee guy is powerful that means my baby is not safe with him... I will ask him... I have to find some reason that I will be able to meet him alone... Should I ask Loy? Na... He will tell my dad... Forget it... For now, they must come here... I hope they will... I am missing his face already... I know I am crazy... After what happened last night... I am still hoping for him... But what should I do... I love him so much... That I can't hate him... I have to wait for them...

After one hr my cell ring... Unknown number!!

Mew:" Hello!"

Lee:" Lee speaking... You told my dad that you want to meet us!"

His voice has really dark power...

New:" Yes, I want to apologize to him"

Lee:" It's OK... He said he is fine..."

New:" But still... One lunch will be OK right?"

I heard his voice but not clear... They are discussing something...

Lee:" You can come here... If you have no problem "

New:" I will... I have no problem... Text me your address "

Lee:" OK... Come at 1 pm"

New:" OK... Thank you..."

Lee:" Don't thank me... That was my Honey's suggestion "

His honey!!! My baby!! Control New...

New:" Thank him from my side then"

Lee:" He heard you already... You are on speaker..."

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