I stared at him, which turned to a glare. Was this pipsqueak (humongous guy) trying to hit on me earlier? If he was trying, I'm so giving him a wedgie.

He just shrugged like breaking hearts was no big deal.

"It's not my fault they fall for me even though they've got boyfriends."

"Watch that tone of yours Fendis. Don't forget who you're talking to."

Okay, Adrien is getting mad, beyond blood boiling and it's not a good sign. I forget the whole kiss scene and awkward atmosphere between Adrien and me. I've got to drag the guy away before another scene is created. The last thing we want is for Adrien to get his hands dirty in his final year of school. And this Shyne guy wasn't going to back down without a good snarky argument.

"What's going on?"

Yes! Student body president to the rescue!

"Evan!" I exclaimed so happily even he was taken aback at my enthusiasm.

"Yes, Amelia Brooke? And is that you Shyne Fendis? What are you doing here?" Evan asked the latter from a now bouncing Shyne.

Does this guy really call everyone by their first name and surname except his girlfriend and Adrien?

I didn't have to explain the situation to Evan. He picked up the dark aura emitting from Adrien and guessed what was going on.

"The bell is about to ring. Let's head back to class Adrien. You two get going as well." Evan said, grabbing hold of Adrien's arm and then looking at Shyne and me. I gave a nod while the other just gave a blank expression. As if he's getting bored, now that the drama's come to an end.

"Get going," Adrien growled at the first-year kid.

Wow. Cranky much? Nothing happened and he's this mad?

"Alright fine. I'll be going, Student body vice Prez" he said the latter with air quotations, mocking Adrien and a smirk on his lips.

Is this guy suicidal? Does he wanna get beat up?

He then turned to me with a flirtatious smile. "I'll see you later Amelia." And with a wink, he turned back and walked away half skipping.

Later? Who the fucks gonna meet you later?

This kid is on bloody drugs!



"Are you sure nothing is going on? You don't usually meet someone later, if not acquainted Mia." And ladies and gentlemen, he spoke.

Sighing and then groaning I lift my head to meet Adrien's eyes which were already glued to me.

"Look grumpy, I barely know the kid. No, let me rephrase that, I just saw the douche a couple of minutes ago. I even got the kid's name wrong after he introduced himself for fuck sake! So drop the mad-dog act and calm down. I'm not meeting him, neither you nor anyone in that matter. Bye!" and I storm away, huffing in annoyance.

Damn it all!

I quick stride, almost jogging and then dashing towards my class. I enter it, mumbling to myself earning a few stares from my classmates.

Ninnon gave me a 'we're-having-a-talk-later look as she went back to writing on the student journal about some crap. Pierre, on the other hand, was staring at me so sharply, it made me sweat. As if I'd committed some crime.

"So, what is the juicy drama today Miss. America?" Benjamin, the class's second clown spoke in a news anchor-ish way, holding his rolled-up textbook as a microphone, grinning from ear to ear.

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