Chapter 5

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I run and run but the distance doesn’t get any smaller. Well, it’s understandable since I was trying to outrun the ace sprinter of my previous high school.

“Mia. Mia stop!”

Why in the world was he still following?

I can’t face him. Not yet. I shut my ears as I continue running, trying to block out his pleading voice.

Up ahead, I find Ethan surrounded by girls looking uncomfortable. He looks up and stares at me confused as to why I was running for my life as if a madman was after me.

“Amelia?” He calls out but I dash past him without a stop. I didn’t have time for a chitchat with the guy when I was being chased. He notices Ryan and something dawns on him. He pushes past the girls and follows behind Ryan.

I break into the classroom shutting the door hard. The class grows silent and stares, wondering what’s going on.

Brilliant idea Amelia. Let the entire class know the shitty-drama that’s to come.

“Amelia? Are you alright?” Ninnon asks concerned. I give her a vague nod clutching my knees to even out my ragged breathing.

Please. Please don’t follow me in here.


As I stand up, the door opens and two strong arms wrap around me tight restricting any movement.

“Mia. That’s enough!” Ryan breathes raggedly.

“Mia? Isn’t that how Vice Prez...” Pierre whispers to Ninnon but she shuts him up.

“Let go!” I demand my voice shaky. But he doesn’t let go.

“I refuse to. Not you too. I won’t ever let go of you. I’m holding on to you for the rest of my life.” He says his grip tightening. It’s not only his grip that tightens. Somewhere inside of me, I feel my body tightening as well. My heart felt like it was about to burst in pain.

“Ryan. Let go! Please.” I’m about to burst into tears at any moment.

Ninnon stares shocked at the guy behind me realizing who this was. I shut my eyes tight pushing back every thought. Every single memory I’m trying so hard to get used to. Sarah’s body in the hospital. Her smiles. Her laughter. Her face when she’s mad. Our days back in school.

A sob escapes from me and Ryan pulled back surprised.

“Mia?” He says unsurely. At that moment a hand appears out of thin air and grabs mine pulling me towards him.

“Let’s go.”

And I obediently follow not even looking up to see who it was that grabbed my hand.

“Ethan? Where are you going man?” Pierre calls out but Ethan continues to pull me away from everyone.  So it’s Ethan.

Que se passe-t-il ici?” I hear Vivienne’s loud voice demanding something.

Ethan drags me to the abandoned girls’ washroom. Once we’re inside and the door closed I flop down on the ground and the tears roll out. I couldn’t stop once I’d started crying.

“Why? Why is he here? He shouldn’t be here. I… I didn’t know what to do. How to face him. I wasn’t ready.” I was going on ranting. Ethan stood leaning on a stall door silently.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

“You do realize you hurt him right? The look on his face when I took you away was beyond shattered.” Ethan finally speaks stabbing at my already hurtful heart.

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