What do I do Ninnon? I feel lost and empty.

And just like that, I cry myself to sleep, bottling up my pain and worries inside of me.

The blaring noise of the alarm clock deepens a headache I've already got

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The blaring noise of the alarm clock deepens a headache I've already got. I push my hand from beneath the sheets. Grabbing the enemy of all humans, I throw it to the other side of the room, but the darn thing doesn't break as it does in the movies.

It keeps ringing and ringing. Begrudgingly I throw the sheets aside and get to my feet, padding over to where the nuisance is, I grab hold of the clock, the coldness of the metal making my fingers flinch.

"Shut up already!" I scream at the alarm clock and switch it off. I retrace my steps back and climb into the bed once again.

It's a school day, but I've no intention of getting dressed and going back to that hell-hole, just to fill my head with trash talks about my beloved deceased best friend.

There's a knock on my door before it creaks open. A dark-haired head pops in a smile on her gentle face.

Aunt Fel?

"Amelia. Amelia!"


The dark hair is replaced with short-cropped auburn locks. The gentle, smiling face is overrun by a familiar face.


A look of worry on her face as she walks inside and kneels down beside my bed, taking my hands in hers grasping them tightly.

"What's wrong Amelia?" Mom's voice is laced with worry and anguish, staring down at my face.


There it is again. Mom's face morphs into Aunt Felicity's. Deep green eyes staring into my grey orbs.

What's wrong with me?

I sniffle, tearing my gaze from Mom's and hid under the sheets. I thought I'd finished up all the blocked up tears, but a new set of them broke out, dripping non-stop down my face. I'm sure Mom can hear me whimpering, but she keeps quiet, patting my head gently.

"Take the day off today. I'll give a call to the school Amelia." With one final pat, she gets to her feet and walks out of my room, shutting the door after her.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I doing this? Why am I putting Mom through shit again?

Damnit, Amelia. You suck!

No matter how hard I'm trying, the old memories keep resurfacing. I thought I've gotten used to them? So why am I still crying?

I'm not sure what time, since I'm still under the sheets, but I guess its 7:45 a.m., Ryan comes to pick me up. I remain where I am. The last thing I want is hurting Ryan, who seems to believe I'm starting to get used to life back in Miami.

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