Chapter 1

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Olivia's POV

"Okay everybody, I have your test scores And just for the fun of it I am going to say your score out loud to the whole class." Mrs Clark smirked.

Pretty much the whole class groaned well except Avery and I.

"Oh okay,seen as you don't want me to say it in the class I'll just say it out loud at assembly tomorrow and I know a lot of people who wouldn't like that." Mrs Clark evilly smiled.

Once again the whole class groaned. except Avery and i.

"Now that's what I thought,okay so i am going to start from the top. So at the top is none other than Avery Harding and Olivia Welsh with 100%." She says with a fake smile.

This isn't really a surprise. I mean, Avery and I are always the highest of nearly every class we are in.

Scratch that, we're the highest in all our class.

How modest am I. note the sarcasm.

"Nerds." someone fake coughed from the back probably one of the popular kids.

How original. that is something I would've said if I had the balls.

To be honest I am kind of surprised that any of them are in this class. I mean this is the top set.

"Mr Thompson! If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all!" Mrs Clark shouted.

"How would you like it if I went around telling everyone your test scores at assembly And believe me I know how much you wouldn't like that."

Practically the whole class silently oo'd.

Jake Thompson is one of the popular kids here. Also one of the cutest guys here and is very close with the four most popular guys in the school.

Michael Clifford (aka Avery's crush), Luke Hemmings (aka my crush) and of course their two idiot friends Calum hood and Ashton Irwin.

I'll admit Calum and Ashton are pretty cute but they aren't my type nor are they Avery's type.

*45 agonizing minutes later*

Finally lunch.

Avery and I rushed out of the class.

"Sup nerds." Grace said as she caught up with us.

Grace Walters aka the only person we're okay with calling us nerds/the schools badass/Michael Clifford's 'girlfriend'/the sister of crystal Walters (I'll get to her later) is our only friend and is the one to stand up for us if she hasn't ditched school.

"Hey Grace what did you do yesterday?" I asked

"I got a new tattoo and dyed my hair blue. The usual Thursday." Grace said casually.

Grace isn't afraid to do anything and is basically the exact opposite of us. And unlike her sister she isn't a bitch.

"Hey, I gotta go I promised Michael I would have lunch with him and the populars but I'd rather shove a spear up my ass." She said.

"I still can't believe you are dating Michael." Avery frowned.

"How many times do I have to tell you it's all for popularity which I don't really care about plus Michael and I are only friends when we're not at school or at a party or something." Grace explained.

"I can't believe Crystal is dating Luke " I said

"I can't believe we're even sisters. I still say I'm adopted and we just so happened to have the same birthday." We laughed agreeing.

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