(Ishimondo) Chihiro The Wingman

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I love me some Ishimondo and fucking Chihiro being the best boy.
*Yall Know The Drill, one of these days though I'll make it there POV*

Chihiro was fast asleep, knocked out because he stayed up all night working on his new program. Then there were a few bangs at his door and he shot straight up. Chihiro thought he was gonna be shot at but he was tired enough to not have any common sense and go downstairs to answer the door. "Chihiro! Open up, man!" He heard the booming voice say. He instantly knew it was Mondo which was his best friend so he went ahead and opened the door. "Thank god. I thought you were, I don't know, dead or something." Mondo said. Chihiro chuckled. If it was the last thing Chihiro was, it's a target. "So what's up?" Chihiro said plopping down on the couch. "Man... you've gotta help me," Mondo said. Chihiro noticed the blush on Mondo's face and his quiet tone. He looked away from Chihiro most of the time which usually when they talked he was always looking at Chihiro. "Mondo... are you... in love with someone?" Chihiro asked.

"Fuck no, haha! I just needed help with my homework that's all I'll be going now!" Mondo said changing his mood instantly. Chihiro knew this definitely wasn't like Mondo. "If you wanted help with your homework you could've asked Ishimaru," Chihiro said as Mondo walked towards the door. "No, I couldn't man! That'd be fucking suicide for me!" Mondo said turning to Chihiro. "Wait, you like Ishimaru!?" Chihiro said. Mondo stood there then quickly bolted to the door. Chihiro quickly blocked it.

"Mondo, I'll help you, just tell me if you like Ishimaru," Chihiro said. Mondo looked to the ground for a second then sighed, stuffing his hands in his pocket. "Fine, I like my bro," Mondo said. Chihiro's eyes lit up. This was the first time he was helping someone confess to someone, and it was his best friend, Mondo. "Okay, okay! Sit back down Mondo, tell me what we're working with." Chihiro said sitting back down on the couch. "O-okay. I guess I'll start with the first time I started liking him." Mondo said.

"Okay, so, me and Ishimaru were studying, and you know, Ishimaru never gives up till he's tired to the bone. So I went to go make me and my bro some snacks, and when I came back he was fast asleep. But it was... different than all the other times he fell asleep there."

"Different how?" Chihiro asked. "Well, when I looked at him I just thought, 'wow he's fucking cute'. And then my heart started to race. like fucking crazy. I tried to ignore it but it just kept racing." Mondo said. Chihiro smiled. "How long has it been since you started liking him?" Chihiro asked. "A month," Mondo said. "A whole month?! We've just casually hung out and you hid that for a month?!" Chihiro said in disbelief. "I just don't want my bro to hate me, you know?" Mondo sighed. "It's okay Mondo, I'll help you out!" Chihiro said in determination. "T-thanks bro," Mondo said.

"Okay so how should you start... oh! Maybe you should compliment him on something." Chihiro said. "What do you mean by that?" Mondo asked. "You know... like complimenting on his outfit or his hair or something," Chihiro said. Chihiro knew this was gonna be harder than he thought. "O-okay," Mondo said. Mondo looked determined after he talked to Chihiro. "Oh and maybe yall should hang out at a movie theater or something," Chihiro said. "Oh yea, you're right!" Mondo said. "Okay, go get him!" Chihiro said. Mondo rushed out to go get Ishimaru. Chihiro felt like a cupid sitting in a cloud. Of course, there were a lot more steps for Mondo to get his lover but Chihiro felt confident.

A day later Mondo came back seeking more advice. "To be honest, Mondo," Chihiro started. "I have no idea how to get a lover myself, I've never been attracted to anyone." Mondo shrugged. "It's fine," Mondo said, reassuring his best bud. "But for that very reason, I decided to buy a bunch of romance movies we could watch together!" Chihiro said smiling. Mondo looked judgementally at the movies then quickly at Chihiro. "Fine. But I'm probably gonna fall asleep on the first movie anyway." Mondo said. "Well, that's fine too because I'll just jot down everything you need to do!" Chihiro said. Chihiro really wanted to make this relationship work out, even if it meant staying up for 16 hours watching every single movie and writing down key points. And that's exactly what he did. While Mondo was sleeping like a baby, Chihiro wrote down all the facts on how to get a partner.

"Mondo, wake up!" Chihiro said shaking Mondo awake. "Huh, I'm here, I'm here," Mondo said quietly, sitting up to make himself feel more awake. "Okay, I watched all the movies and I wrote down a few key points," Chihiro said. "Well, spit em out," Mondo said now fully awake.

"Okay, you've gotta make sure you spend a lot of time with him, be yourself around him, and help him lots," Chihiro said. "And you gotta make your move some time because I can't help you all the time," Chihiro said. Mondo's turned red at the thought. "B-but, I can't just walk up to him and kiss him," Mondo said. "Yea, you have to make sure it's the right place and time and then give him a big ol' smooch on the face," Chihiro said optimistically. "Y-yeah, you're right!" Mondo said with confidence.

The next few days rolled around, Ishimaru and Mondo hanged out a lot with Chihiro sneakily following them. He knew that it was a little bit intrusive but he really wanted to see how it played out. I mean, this was the first time Ishimaru put plans aside for someone else. Chihiro always made sure to be back at his house so Mondo could tell him how his day went. Little did Chihiro know, it was Mondo's big day to tell Ishimaru how he felt. So it was another casual day for Chihiro to sneak around.

"H-hey bro I really need to tell you something that's been bugging me for a while," Mondo said. Chihiro immediately knew what was gonna happen. "Yea, what's up?" Ishimaru asked. "Well, I... um... I think I like you..." Mondo said. Ishimaru stared blankly. "I've gotta run," Mondo said rushing away. Chihiro's mouth fell open. He quickly rushed to where Ishimaru was at.

"Ishimaru?! Earth to Ishimaru?!" Chihiro said shaking him by the shoulders. "I-is... what he said... true?" Ishimaru asked Chihiro. Chihiro looked down for a second then nodded. "I can't believe I done this... I gotta go tell him that I like him too." Ishimaru said. "Yes! You have to be nationwide that's on his side!" Chihiro said. Ishimaru didn't get the reference but he got the gist of the confidence. The two headed over to Mondo's house and knocked on the door. "Mondo, it's Chihiro!" Chihiro yelled.

The two heard footsteps towards the door. As soon as the door opened Ishimaru pounced on Mondo with a kiss. Mondo forgot he left the door open so Chihiro obviously peeked his head in. There cute little confession kiss turned into a make-out session and Chihiro left and closed the door before he watched them have sex.

Chihiro after this like: i'M sTiLl WoRtHy

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