Although she and her sister didn't always see eye-to-eye she always made it her mission to know if she's okay.

"The baby's fine. Dr. Sherrie put me on bed rest until further notice so no work for me."

The security Chris sent walked through the entrance of the arena and found Bey standing off to the side. "Ms. Knowles, Mr. Brown wanted me to check to see if you're okay." She gave him and slight nod and a smile. He nodded then stood by the entrance away from where she way. He didn't want to impose on her conversation nor privacy.

It got quiet between the two sisters and Solange decided it was best to just confront the elephant in the room. "Bey I just want to say I'm sorry for how I acted. I just wanted to see you do better and I guess my delivery was little off." They shared a small giggled. "It's okay Solo. I just needed some tough love...that's what I really needed."

As if she had spidey-senses, she looked through the doors of the arena to see paparazzi snapping pictures of her.

"Alright girl, amma call you tomorrow. Love you!" Solange closed then the call ended.


Shawn opened the door to his condo and let Blue in first then closed the door. Blue ran into the living room and stopped in her tracks seeing an unknown woman with a little boy sleeping on her lap. She lilted her head as she stared the woman in her eyes.

"Why are you in my daddy's house?" She asked. The woman's presence really piqued her curiosity. "Blue who are you talking to!?" Her father exclaimed from the kitchen.

"Daddy there's a woman in living and she has on too much powder!" She ran to him in the kitchen. Shawn looked at his daughter with confusion on his face.

He heard clicking of heels making their way towards them and once he saw who it was, his mood changed. He ran a hand over his head of hair then exhaled heavily.

"Who is she daddy?" Blue asked the question she has been searching for an answer to since she got inside. "Keri what are you doing here?" He asked with annoyance on his whole demeanor. "Better yet how the hell did you get in?"

A key dangled from her fingers as she held it up with a smile of accomplishment on her face. "I got a key from the front desk."

"Now where the fuck they do shit like that?" Is all that Shawn could think about.

"I've been calling you all afternoon and you wouldn't pick up then I came here. I've been waiting for the past three hours for you to get home so I can go to rehearsal. I wasn't going to take your son around people I don't know." Blue looked at the lady with a blank stare then turned to her father.

"This is why you were gone all the time?" Shawn could hear the hurt in his daughter's voice. Once she didn't get a response from him she ran out of the room.

"Blue!" He called out for her but all he got was a slammed door in response. He sighed looking at Keri with nothing but agitation. "You really had to do that shit! It sucks enough that she doesn't wanna be around me much because of the shit between her mother and I but this was just low! You can't be so bitter that I married Bey instead of you!" He shouted at her. His words did hurt his feeling but she wasn't going to show any emotion.

"That's what you get for treating me second best." She taunted him but in the act she just made herself look stupid. "You don't get it! You were always second best!" His voice was more grounded and he spoke slowly so she could really comprehend what he was saying.

"Instead of trying to ruin my already fucked up family you should try to revive your career or focus on your failing marriage with your husband. Now get the fuck outta my house." He walked passed her, bumping his shoulders with hers.

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