After Ending:

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Stay turned because tomorrow I have a new story coming out :)

Also I'm really vibing with George in this one lmao it's 2 am

"Oh my God, Dream." Sapnap complained, "This place is such a mess."

Dream laughed, sweeping some stray glass. "You're the one who offered to help me clean, you can't complain now."

"Yes I can, and I will!" Sapnap shouted dramatically.

Dream smiled, continuing to sweep. He and Sapnap had arrived at Dream's old house, finally going to clean it.

It still looked the same as the time when Dream last left it, which was a good thing.

"I swear, Dream. If I come across a mouse, I'm leaving." Sapnap shuddered.

Dream rolled his eyes, "It's not that bad. It's been worse." Sapnap went over to Dream.

"We should've forced George to come help too." He crossed his arms, "But nooooo, you fell for his puppy dog eyes!" Sapnap started to laugh, and Dream laughed too.

"You would've fallen for them too, don't lie to me, Sappy Nappy." He grinned at the dumb nickname he gave Sapnap.

"Stop calling me that!" He pouted, but failed to keep a straight face.

Dream continued to sweep, collecting the glass and then throwing it out, while Sapnap organized the items that were spread across the room. It took most of the day, but they managed to clean the whole house.

Dream high-fived Sapnap when they were done, "I thought we'd never finish." He breathed out.

Sapnap nodded in agreement, "It's a miracle we finished in just a day..."

Dream glanced around the living room, he noticed the unframed picture on a side table and decided to take it with him.

Sapnap walked over and looked at the picture. It was the same one he came across the last time he was there. He smiled, and took Dream's hand. "Are you taking that home?"

Dream nodded, "Yeah, might as well." He said, carefully placing it into his pocket.

"Good idea." Sapnap walked outside with Dream, and then walked back to their house.

When they went inside, George was passed out on the couch. Sapnap went over to him, smiling. "Poor George." He stuck his tongue out, "He waited too long for us!"

George groaned, "You guys made his back?" He mumbled, half asleep.

Sapnap kissed George's cheek, "Yep! We made it back. And guess what, George? We actually cleaned Dream's old house!"

George kept his eyes closed, "Wow, I can't believe it."

Dream chuckled, "George, do you want to go to bed?" He asked.

George held out both of his hands, "Help me up." He demanded. Sapnap and Dream took George's hands and helped him stand up. "Are you guys hungry..? I'll make something." He said, starting to walk to the kitchen.

Dream hugged George from behind, keeping him from moving. "I can make something. You're too sleepy."

George didn't try to escape Dream's grasp, "You can't cook to save your life."

Dream grinned, "That's Sapnap you're talking about, love." Sapnap gasped.

"Wow! You are so mean, Dream." Sapnap wiped away an imaginary tear.

Dream rested his chin on George's head, looking at Sapnap, "You know it's true." He laughed and Sapnap nodded slowly.

"Okay, yeah. But still so mean.." He smiled and walked over to them. He joined in on the group hug. "Okay, Dream can make us food this time."

George was a little bit more awake. He had a smile on his face from listening to Dream and Sapnap argue. "You guys are like an old married couple."

Sapnap rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah, says the one who's older than both of us."

George laughed, nodding. "Okay Dream, what are you making us?"

Dream shrugged, "I dunno. I'll have to go see what he have." He let go of George and Sapnap, and walked to the kitchen.

A few minutes passed before Dream figures out what he wanted to make, and a few more passed as Dream cooked.

When he was done, they ate at the table together in a comfortable silence.

"So, Sapnap." George spoke when they were all done, "Who's the better cook. Me or Dream?"

Sapnap looked between the two, "Dream." He said, winking at George.

Dream gasped, "I saw that!" That made Sapnap laugh. Dream just rolled his eyes and washed all of their dishes.

Sapnap left for a moment, and then came back. "Hey Dream, I have something for you."

Dream looked over, tilting his head.

Sapnap held out a picture frame, "For uh.. you know. I know the last one was broken pretty badly."

Dream smiled and gladly took the picture frame, "Aw thank you, Sapnap." He kissed the younger's cheek.

Sapnap smiled and walked with Dream to the living room. Dream sat down and carefully placed the picture into the frame. Thankfully, it was the right size.

Sapnap carefully took the picture, and looked for a place to hang it on the wall. Dream and George helped him decide. Once it was up, Dream found himself staring at it. Sapnap and George were at his sides.

Dream glanced over at the corner of the room where he had last seen him. Nothing was there. Dream still smiled, and then took George and Sapnap's hands. "Shall we go to bed?" They agreed.

Dream laid down on the bed, sighing. "That's nice..."

Sapnap laid down beside him, and then nodded. It always felt nice to lay down after a day of hard work.

George joined them, cuddling Sapnap's arm. "Goodnight Sap.. Goodnight Dream.." he smiled, quickly falling asleep despite having a nap earlier.

Sapnap quickly fell asleep too, leaving Dream awake for a little while. He had a soft grin on his face. He was so happy to be with George and Sapnap. "I love you guys." He whispered before falling asleep.

A Happy Ending For All of Us [DreamNapFound]Where stories live. Discover now