Chapter 5:

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Aw yeah, cover is up
Also fun fact: I got Sapnap to say that I'm taller than my cousin, so it must be true

Pog champ

Sapnap opened his eyes. It was still dark. He yawned and reached his arm over, noticing that George wasn't beside him anymore.

"George...?" He grumbled. He was nowhere to be seen. He heard talking, so he got out of bed and wrapped a blanket around himself.

Sapnap waddled down the hall, going to join George. George still had his arms wrapped around Dream, and he looked over at Sapnap. "I didn't wake you up, did I?"

Sapnap mumbled something inaudible, and sat down. He rested his head on George's other shoulder, closing his eyes.

George smiled softly, "Sorry. Dream was having a bad night, so I came to stay with him."

Sapnap continued to mumble, making George smile more. "You're so nice, George..." He smiled too.

George chuckled, and glanced at Dream, who had accidentally fallen back asleep. "He said he had a nightmare." He told Sapnap.

Sapnap whimpered in response. "Poor Dream..." He yawned again.

"Sap, if you're tired, you can just go back to sleep." He suggested, looking at Sapnap.

Sapnap just shook his head, "I wanna keep you company.."

"Aww~ how sweet." George teased, laughing quietly. Sapnap smiled, nuzzling George.

"And it's cold without you. Can't sleep.."

George chuckled again, "You can sleep here then, I can't guarantee it's very comfortable."

Sapnap sighed contently, "Anywhere is comfortable as long as you're around..." He mumbled, but if he were to be honest, the position they were in was not comfortable at all, Sapnap was just happy that George was nearby and being a good friend to Dream.

George closed his eyes, "Alright, Sapnap." He smiled softly, "Goodnight." And then George drifted off into sleep.

Sapnap glanced up at George, and then looked at Dream. They were both fast asleep, and Sapnap couldn't help but giggle at how cute both of them looked. He nuzzled George once again, and fell back asleep.


Dream woke up on the hard floor. His back hurt. Looking around, he noticed that both George and Sapnap were there, and still asleep.

Dream groaned as he sat up, putting his mask on. He tried to remember what happened the night before. He remembered falling off the couch, and then George comforting him...

Dream huffed. How embarrassing. He thought as he sat himself down on the couch.

George shuffled slightly, "Dream..?" He yawned and looked over, "Oh, hi."

Dream nodded, "Hi... uh.." He looked away from George, "I'm sorry about last night..."

George patted the sleeping Sapnap's hair, "Don't worry about it, Dream." He smiled, "It happens, right?"

"Right..." Dream hugged his knees, "I.. never have anyone there to comfort me.. so that was kind of nice..." He avoided looking at George, "Thanks for that."

George smiled, "No problem! I'm glad I could help..."

"So when did Sapnap get here?" He asked.

"A little bit after you fell asleep." George glanced at Sapnap, still smiling. "He got lonely." He said in a teasing manner.

Dream chuckled, "Poor Sapnap."

Sapnap grinned in response, "Don't think I can't hear you..." He said, tiredly.

George giggled, "Sorry, Sap." He patted his head again.

Sapnap huffed, "So mean..." He frowned, sitting up. "Huh.. Oh yeah!" Sapnap immediately perked up, "Morning, Dream!" He smiled at his friend.

Dream waved, "Morning.." He looked around the room, staying quiet.

George stretched his arms, "Are you guys hungry? I can make breakfast."

Dream hesitated, "I think I should go home soon.." He avoided the questioning look that George gave him.

"Are you going to eat at home?" George asked, sternly.

Dream remembered that he still didn't have anything to eat in his house. "Yes."

George narrowed his eyes, "Are you sure? I can make something and then you can take it home."

Dream shook his head, "No, thanks.. I don't wanna burden you.." He stood up, "But.. thanks for letting me stay over... It was nice to get out of my house for a while."

Sapnap tilted his head, and he looked at George, who still looked worried. "Alright... If you say so." He smiled, "We should do this again sometime soon!"

Dream forced a smile, "Yeah... Well.. bye!" He waved, before he left the house.

George watched Dream leave, frowning. Sapnap hugged George's arm, staring at the door.

George sighed, "I'll make us something then, okay?"

Sapnap grinned, "Okay!" He let go of George to let him stand up. He followed George to their kitchen to watch him cook.

Dream made his way into his house, and he closed the door behind him. He stumbled over to his bedroom and walked in.

He flopped down onto his bed, and screamed into his pillow. He curled up, resting his hand on his chest. He had that feeling.

A feeling he knew all too well.

"You're catching feelings for them, aren't you Dream?" He asked himself, "It's not gonna end differently than it did last time." Dream closed his eyes tightly, fighting back tears.

"You've known them for two.. three days?" He reminded himself. "Pathetic." He hissed. Sapnap and George were obviously together, so he should just forget about those feelings.

Dream frowned, he had so many contradictory thoughts, it was overwhelming him. He just wanted to go back and see George and Sapnap again.

Overwhelmed, and unsure with how to deal with his current emotions, Dream picked up a pillow and whipped it across the room. That didn't make him feel any better, so he threw another, and another.

Dream then found himself sitting on the floor after his...meltdown? He examined his room and the lamp, that used to be on his bedside, was on the floor, broken. His bedsheets were torn off and scattered around, his dresser had toppled over.

Dream pulled his knees close, and hid his face, "God... I'm such a mess..." He closed his eyes as he started to sob uncontrollably.

A Happy Ending For All of Us [DreamNapFound]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ