CG5 finds out Igor's an elf

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Igor's POV

I ran away from them until I got to my house. I closed the door, went to my room and closed my bedroom door. What I didn't know what that I was being followed. I took my staff out. "I guess I forgot to hide some of the things that make me part elf" I said to myself. I started to hide things that made me part elf, but as soon as I got to my ears and half of the facepaint, I heard a voice. "Hey" I hid my staff and turned around. "Hi Charlie" "I didn't expect you to come after me" "Well, I had to bc you ran off when I asked you the question," What's on your ear? "" "Oh" "Yeah ....  so ... " "Uh ..... " "It looks pointy like an elf... why do you have facepaint on you?"  I started to shake.  "Uh ............." "You're looking a lot like Ninja right now" CG5 said.  "Are you Ninja, the fire elf?" "No..." I said. Blister, my bird sqawked. "Shh" I said to Blister. "Wait, Blister's feathers are orange and red, like fire" "Uh....." I sighed. "I'm....... an elf. I'm the fire elf, Ninja" I said. CG5 looked shocked. "WHAT?!" He shouted. "Yea. I'm the fire elf known as Ninja" I said. "Prove it" "Sure" I made fire come out of my hand. "Cool" CG5 looked amazed. "Anyway, can you please keep this a secret from our friends? It's just between me and you" "Ok. Your secret is safe with me" "Ok. Seems like everyone's doing that. First on TV shows, now IRL" I mumbled to myself.

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