"And you brought a woman?" The colonel said, giving me a disgusted look before turning back to Rains Fall.

"Yes, I trust her. She won't cause trouble." I kept my composure, fighting against the thought of punching that man square in the jaw right now. I clenched my fist, looking down at the ground.

"So, Mr.. Um.." Colonel Favours trailed off.


"Ah, yes. I can't say that silly name." Colonel Favours chuckled, I gave him a dirty look which I know he noticed because I got one back from him.

The colonel began to start talking to Rains Fall. Arthur went into a coughing fit and I could see the annoyance on the Colonels face.

"How about you go get some water?" The colonel shot his gaze over to Arthur. "The woman can go with him. You!" He looked to one of his men. "Direct them to a tent and get this man a water."

The man led us over to one of their tents and went off to get some water.

"That mans ridiculous!" I threw my hands in the air. "What gives him the right-"

Arthur cut me off, "Just calm down, don't start any trouble." I sighed and leaned against the cot, Arthur finally stopped coughing. They brought him some water and he only took a sip of it.

We heard talking from outside the tent and Arthur went over to listen. I didn't bother to listen, I just sat there, reading over my journal.

"You alright now?" The man from earlier walked up to the tent.

"Yeah, Im fine." Arthur stood up and walked over to him.

"How about the lady stays-"

"The lady is coming with me." Arthur gave the soldier a stern look, I stood up and followed them back to Rains Fall.

"Good day, Colonel Favours." Rains Fall said, standing up and walking to his horse.

The Colonel and Monroe started arguing. All of a sudden Favours shot up from his seat and yelled, "Treason!"

Arthur immediately grabbed one of the men from behind and held a gun to his head. "Let him go."

"What is he doing?" I whispered to Charles.

"Just go along with it." Charles responds to me, grabbing Monroe and aiming his gun at the Colonel.

We started walking back to the horses, Arthur still had his gun aimed at the mans head.

"I don't wanna kill this man, but I shall!" Arthur yelled to them.

He quickly pushed him away, we got on our horses as they all started shooting at us. We raced off down the path, shooting down the men that followed us.

We stopped somewhere off the path and were soon surrounded. I took cover behind a tree and started shooting.

They started to retreat and I holstered my gun. I walked over to Arthur, a few bullets had grazed me but that was it.

"Are you okay?" I asked, brushing off the dirt from my shirt.

"Yeah, I'm good." He turned to Charles and Monroe. "Let's split up."

"Good idea, I'll take Monroe." Captain Monroe and Charles got on the horse and rode off.

Me and Arthur walked up to our horses and started riding aimlessly. We stopped in front of a train and turned to see Reverend Swanson sitting on one of the benches with his luggage.

"I'm gonna talk to him real quick, stay here." Arthur said, getting off his horse. I nodded and watched him walk over to Swanson. They started talking but I couldn't really hear them. I decided to get off my horse and get a little closer without being too obvious.

"I'm afraid." I turned to Arthur, he had a sad look on his face. They started talking quieter so I couldn't really hear what they said after that. I went back to my horse and brushed its mane.

"All aboard!"

Swanson said his goodbyes to me and Arthur and boarded the train. Arthur got on his horse and let out a dry cough.

"What are you afraid of?" I spoke with a calm voice, I was looking down at my horses mane.

"Nothin'." Arthur started riding off. I ran in front of his horse and stopped. "Move, Y/N."

"Why can't you talk to me, Arthur? We used to be so close-"

Arthur cut me off, "That was before you left the gang, I ain't gonna just start opening up to you." Arthur had a stern look on his face but I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Look, Im trying to make things better!" I shouted, I can't believe he was still upset about this. I thought we were past this.

"Well, try harder." Arthur had his horse go around me and rode off. I caught up to him and stopped my horse in front of him again.

"What is your problem? Seriously, try harder?" I furrowed my brows in anger. I looked his face but it's as if he wiped all emotion from him.

"I-I'm scared, Y/N" His voice broke. Arthur stepped down from his horse and leaned against a tree, looking down at the ground so his hat covered half of his face.

I stepped down from my horse and walked towards Arthur, a sympathetic look on my face. I wrapped my arms around him. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me. I looked to him but he didn't meet my gaze. I quickly took his hat off to reveal his eyes swelling in tears.

"Arthur, what's wrong?" I asked with a soft voice, I'd never seen him look this broken before.

"It's nothin'." He said, pushing me to the side and walking away. I grabbed his arm and turned him to face me.

"What's going on? Why won't you talk to me?" My lip quivered as I saw a tear escape his eye.

"I said, I'm fine." He wiped away his tears and pulled my hand away. I grabbed his arm once again.

"Talk to me." I looked at him with a caring look. Arthur looked down at me with a sorrowful look in his eyes.

He heavily sighed and sat up against a tree. I sat down next to him, waiting for him to say something.

"This whole things almost over, and I know everybody else is gonna be okay... But I know you won't be." He turned to me with a sad expression. "Because I ain't gonna be around much longer."

I felt my chest ache from those words. "I don't wanna talk about that."

"Well we're gonna have to talk about it sooner or later, Y/N. What are you gonna do when I'm gone?" His voice broke mid-sentence. He grabbed my hand, I just looked down at my lap.

"I-I don't know, stay with Tilly?" I shrugged, wiping my nose. "Why does it have to end that way?"

"I don't know, darlin'. I don't know."

WAS IT WORTH IT ↛ ARTHUR MORGAN [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now