Crash's quest for Instant Noodles

Start from the beginning

Crash: *drooling* 'Come here my precious!'

Crash picked up the pack, and was joyfully about to get Bridgett, untill Meggy stopped him.

Meggy: Hey Crash. Are those the Spicy Instant noodles?

Crash looked cluelessly, and tries hiding it behind his back.

Meggy: Look... I've been looking for those noodles all day. I already had my eyes set on them. So, hand them over nicely, and nobody gets hurt.

Set came down Crash's face. He slowly moved backward, as Meggy slowly walked forward. Then, Crash took of instantly.

Meggy: Oh now you dont!!!

Meggy turned into a squid, and chased after him. Crash began running faster as Meggy got closer. They both passed by Mario, who the noticed the chase.

Mario: Oh boy. Looks like this will have to take a while.

He got up, and chased after them. Crash continued to run away, and passed by Dingodile, who was looking for stuff to start his own diner.

Dingo: Oi!! What were your going!!

Meggy quickly kicked him in the balls, and continued running after Crash.

Dingo: *with the voice* MY DICK FELL OFF!!

Dingo fell on the floor crying, as Mario jumped on himz instead of running around him.


Crash stuck his tongue out, and dashed away. Meggy grew more pissed, and drew her gun out. Crash finally made his way to Bridgett, who has desided to get her tentacles done while waiting for him to be done.

Bridgett: Hey Crash, your finally done. Looks, I got my tentacles do- AAAH!!

Crash grabbed her arm, are dragged her to the nearest Checkout.

Bridgett: Hey Hey Crashy! Whats with the rush?

Crash pointed to Meggy, who was about ready to kill someone.

Bridgett: 0_0

Bridgett then ran over to self-Checkout, and did the payment. Both ran out of the store. Mario finally caught up with Meggy, who had stopped compleatly.

Mario: Uh, uh, uh... that all the excersice Mario a needed for this week. Meggy? You ok?

Meggy turned to Mario, wuth a rage look on her face. She grabbed Mario, and superjumped outside. Meanwhile, Crash and Bridgett were on their way home.

Bridgett: What happened back there?!

Crash look at her, then back down.

Bridgett: I guess it was bad. At least your safe.

The two suddenly heard someone behind them. It was Meggy, with Mario on her shoulder. She dropped him, and glared at Crash. She then pounced, tackling him to the ground.

Bridgett: Crash!!

Mario: Meggy!!

The began rolling on the ground, punching, kicking, and slaping each other.


Crash: NOOOO!!!!

The two tugged on the poor package. Bridgett and Mario stepped in to help.  The Two couples had a tug-a-war with the noodles. But, the package gave in, and tore open, releasing all the noodle packets inside. The packs were all scattered around the place, and because of the noodles being exposes, they were inedible.

Bridgett: Aww...

Mario: Oh no!

Crash and Meggy looked at each other. Tears started filling their eyes, as they both cried im their shoulders.

Meggy: Im sorry!! I really am!!

Crash patted her back, and they continued to cry, untill Crash's sister, Coco, saw this.

Coco: What in the world happened here? Some food fight I missed out on?

The gang explained everything that had happened. After hearing it, Coco burst with laughter.

Coco: All of this for noodles? Why didnt you just ask TC? His selling a bunch of them for a doller each.

Everyone grew silent. Crash and Meggy beamed at each other.


Crash: NEVER!!!

The two dashed off to find TC, as Bridgett and Mario face palmed.

Bridgett: Oh no...

Mario: Hear a we go again...

Coco: Big brother and his noodles*chuckles.

The threw now set off to find Crash and Meggy, before something crazy happenes again.

*The End*

(And that is our first story done! Crash's quest for Instant Noodles. I hope you enjoyed it. Im going to be doing this more often now, I hope your all excited for it, because I am.)

(Also, I will be taking requests for story ideas. If your story gets picked, You'll get a shout out im the chapter.)

(Thats all I have to say honestly. Have a good day!!!)

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