Chapter 1 (Pipers POV)

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I go sit on my bunk and try to tune out the conversations of other inmates.

I grab a book and start to read. But with my thoughts bouncing all around my brain, its hard to concentrate on what Im reading.

After 2 hopeless minutes of trying to concentrate on my book, I simply just slam the book shut and slide it under my bunk. I close my eyes and put my head in my hands. And I just ponder my thoughts.

All my thoughts are about Alex. Her long black hair, her beautiful sparkling eyes, her tall figure... My thoughts continuously racing threw my head. Did I love Alex? No, No. I couldn't! I was engaged to Larry!

But me and Alex have had so much history together. Larry... He was just so plain. Never willing to risk something, no spark of adventure or curiosity. Just Plain-Old-Jane-Larry.

Then there was Alex. Oh how much different she was from him. Never wanting to stay still. Always wanting to go on an adventure. And after that one ended she would just simply go look for the next one.

Life with Alex was always exciting. Never able to predict what might happen tomorrow, whether it was sitting calmly in a hotel room or running through the airport to make sure we don't miss our flight to Istanbul.

And Larry... Nothing ever happened. He would always just sit on the couch and watch TV or think about what might be his next book idea. And its not like anyone would buy his books anyways. He once asked me if he should make a book on how me and Polly make soup for our company. Who would buy that?!

As I think, my thoughts are rudely interrupted by Nicky walking in.
"Hey Chapman!" She says grinning.

"Whatcha doin? Trying to think of ways to get Vause alone in a janitors closet?" Nicky says evilly.

"No!" I say defensively. "Just thinking, and if you don't mind, I'm going out for a run on the track to clear my head." I don't bother grabbing my jacket as I stand.

"Mkay Chapman, I wanted to talk to Red anyways." I turn around to find Red sitting on her bunk. I had been so wrapped up in my thoughts, that I hadn't seen her walk into the cube.

"See ya later Nicky" I walk out towards the track at a walking pace to avoid getting a shot from the guards.

After a long speed walk towards the track, I finally reach it. And then I break into a run.

Going as fast as my legs will carry me. And instantly, I feel free.

After what seems like only minutes, which have probably been hours. I hear my name being called.

I skid to a stop and whirl around, still trying to regain my breath while Im panting heavily.

And I'm surprised to see, that the person calling my name is Alex.

(A/N OoooOoooooh Dyke Drama Huh?!)

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