Chapter 25 (Alexs POV)

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The kiss I share with Nicky is fierce.

Nothing like when Piper and I kiss.

Theres just no spark.

Nicky's hand is placed on my neck as she pulls me closer.

Her other hand wanders into my pants. And I push away.

"We can't- I'm with Piper! And you have Morello!" I kick the wall in anger.

What the hell was wrong with me?

"Im sorry Vause! I thought you-" But I cut off Nicky.

"Well, I was mad! And I didn't know what I was doing!" I say exasperated.

"We can't tell anyone. We can't. I love Piper. And you love Morello. We have to act like this never happened." Nicky looks at me as I say it.

Hurt is on her face. But so is understanding.

"I'll walk out first. Don't follow me. Wait 10 minutes." Nicky says.

I watch her walk out.

What the fuck did I do? I never think before I act. And now we had a big problem.

10 minutes pass quickly as I count to 600.

I walk out and close the door behind me.

And now I have to find Piper.

If me and Nicky both end up in the same place, some people might think we orchestrated this whole thing.

Which we did, but they didn't need to know that.

I see the blonde head Im looking for, talking to Red.

Piper see's me walk over and she dismisses her conversation with Red.

"Hey, where were you? I couldn't find you." Piper's blueish eyes felt like they were staring straight down into my soul.

Thoughts cross my mind as of what I should tell her. The truth, but Im to much of a coward.

So I do whats easiest.


"Oh yeah. Nicky and I just were outside. Getting fresh air ya know?" I purse my lips.

"Oh okay. Well, I talked to Kaputo. He's letting Pennsatucky out and all I have to do is clean the bathrooms every night for 2 months." She bounces with happiness.

Well, at least someone has a clean conscious at the moment.


Short little chapter, hopefully next will be longer. Sorry, in a downer mood today.

So this might not be the best. Next will be better hopefully.

Im just going to take a moment and thank all of my readers again for the comments I get on my chapters.

They really inspire me to keep writing.

Especially the comments I receive from:


Thanks a lot guys! Next chapter should be up tomorrow!

~ Gabrielle💁

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