Chapter 2: forbidden fruit.

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Winry woke up again in the afternoon.
She was staring at the ceiling above her head, holding Edward's T-shirt tightly against her, laying on her back.
She couldn't help but replaying what happened the day before.
'You must hate me, why did you even tried to help me.'
She heavily sighed.
She stayed there during one whole hour, looking at her ceiling and overthinking yesterday's events.
She put the T-shirt away, and got up. She felt dizzy, her back ached badly from laying that long in her bed.
She went in the bathroom, and stopped in front of the mirror.
She glanced at her reflection.
'Ew. Is it really what Edward saw yesterday?'
Her cheeks were full of melted mascara and eyeliner that got smudged during the night.
She had terribly big dark circles under her eyes and Her hair were badly tangled.
She undressed and threw her clothes on top of a pile of dirty clothes that were certainly laying there for several months now.
She took a towel and moistened it before using it to wash her face, then threw it on the pile of dirty clothes.
She turned on the the hot water and entered the shower.
The water was certainly too hot, and left a painful feeling on her arms and tights. But she didn't cared, and kept enjoying the warm water taking her feeling of physical numbness away.
It was good to feel something again.
She stayed there maybe a bit too long, enjoying this too rare feeling.

The shower was the perfect place to overthink, far from any distraction.
She took the soap and rubbed in her hands before rubbing them on her skin.
'He just had some pity for me right...?
We shouldn't have met again. And I don't want to ruin his relationship with Anna ...
But if they date, does that mean that he will live there, with her ? Does that mean that there Will be a chance that I see him everytime I go out ? And I am the only mechanic here, does that mean I will have to take care of his leg? Who has been taking care of his leg this whole time by the way?
Is it someone that I know?
And what if Anna discover that we once dated? Did he told her ?
Will she hate me?
But she is one of my only friends, what will I do if she hates me?'
Winry painfully sighed has she turned off the water. She burried her face into her hands.
-I just want my mind to shut the fuck up...
She whispered to herself as she crouched down. She tried to calm her breath and hold her tears back.
-I... I have to calm down and focus on something else.
She though out loud, before getting up.
She put on a boxer and an overzised shirt, that of course wasn't hers at first.
She knew that she should give him his shirt and T-shirt back, especially if he date someone now.
But she couldn't help feeling comforted by thoses, even if they totally lost his smell.

She came downstairs, to her workshops.
She wanted to work a bit to focus on something else, but actually she just sat at her desk, overthinking more.
Until that she heard someone knocking at her door.
She sighed, and went to the door before opening it, and faked once again her best smile.
Anna was standing in front of the door.

-Hello Winry ! I was a bit bored so... I guessed that I could visit you?
-Isn't... Your boyfriend with you?
Winry felt like asking it was like stabbing herself.
-No... He is studying alchemy stuff and all...
Answered Anna in a disappointed tone.
'I am not surprised, but he could make efforts with his New girlfriend...'
Thought Winry.
-Well, come in. Do you want a coffee or something ?
Said Winry as Anna came in, she closed the door behind her.
-Yeah I would take a coffee, please.
Winry went into the kitchen as Anna was following her and made two cup of coffee.
Anna sat at the table, then Winry gave her a cup of coffee and sat in front of her.

-Hey Winry... You are clearly wearing a men's shirt, aren't you?
Asked Anna in a teasing tone while pointing the oversized shirt Winry was wearing.
She blushed and looked away:
-Ah that ? It's just one of the shirt that used to be owned by my dad you know...
She couldn't really tell Anna something like "Oh yeah it's your boyfriend's one, he forgot it there after our last argument, I should give it back to him by the way !"
-Oh... (Anna sounded disappointed) but I don't understand why you don't date Russell already ! You guys spent so much time together lately...
-Well...yesterday he tried to force me to Kiss him, and I am not comfortable with him anymore because of that, and I don't know if I am in the right headspace to start a relationship right now...
Explained Winry, a bit uncomfortable.
-Ah c'mon ! It's just a kiss, you need to chill Winry, this kind of things are normal ! You've been rude to him... You should excuse yourself...
And you are already 26 ! If you stay single any longer you will end up alone the rest of your life, and you Will never have children!
Winry sighed:
'So this is your vision of relationship eh?'
Winry though, annoyed.
-Well, maybe but hm...
Winry tried to think of a topic to replace this one, but Anna interrupted her:
-No really you should talk with Russell, and maybe you know... Take the next step with him. You know since that I am in a relationship now, I won't have so much time to give you. I really want you to be happy.
I know that maybe you are afraid to be in a relationship, but look, I am happy !
By the way, He is named Edward. You know I wish you will find a man as sweet as him because---
Winry interrupted her:
-Hm sorry Anna, I would love to listen to you more, but you know I worked all Night and I am really exhausted, I think I need to take a nap.
-Oh hm... Okay... I will leave I Guess then...
Answered Anna while getting up from the chair and walking toward the door. Rest well !

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