"Okay, okay," I chuckled. "I have to go now, Agatha. I will see you all when you come back." I ended the call and leaned back into my chair sighing wistfully.

My parents went to visit my sister, Ellie, and her husband in Milan to watch her clothing line's fashion show. Ellie was a famous fashion designer owning the famous line, Angelique, who moved to Milan, Italy to pursue her dream farther. Dad and Agatha were due to come home next week, giving Eleanor and I time to prepare to meet them. If it was to please my dad, we would need longer time, but I wasn't there to please him, so it all works out all right.

I rested my hand after signing all of the papers and called my assistant in. "I want this delivered to Rosalie by the end of today." I handed her the papers I filed in a folder. "Tell her I wouldn't be needing her assistance anymore." After seeing how Eleanor reacted towards her, I didn't want to give her any reason to be jealous.

Oh hell. I didn't even know why I cared about what she thinks! I didn't even have any feelings towards her or anything. Definitely not love. She was just someone that I married to displease my father, which worked, and also to fully own the company. Nothing more, nothing less. 

I looked to the left side of my desk and saw the daily newspaper I always get sent to my office. Sure enough, there was that picture of me "proposing" that one of the spectators at Starbucks took and probably sold for thousands of pounds to the media. Word sure did spread fast.

I was startled out of my thoughts when my personal cellphone rang from my jacket pocket. I slipped it out and answered going over to the floor to ceiling windows in my office. It gave me a good view of the Thames river, although not as great as a view like my father's whose office was many floors above mine.


"Parker, you berk!" Caleb's voice came through the other line. "I didn't think you would go through with your plan! You could've at least informed me."

"Sorry, mate," I said eyeing the many tourists going on the London Eye or taking pictures. "It was sudden."

"Sudden it was alright! I found out when I strolled by a magazine rack at the airport!"

"I believe you owe me a congratulations," I joked trying to ease him up a bit. Caleb has always been my best mate ever since we were teenagers. He was always the more sensible and mature one out of our duo. "Caleb, everything's okay. Eleanor agreed a hundred percent. I didn't have to force her into it or anything."

"Marriage is a big deal, you do know that right?" Caleb sighed. 

"I do, and I'm actually planning on trying to make this marriage work," I decided that just a few seconds ago. I didn't know why, but remembering my parents' divorce hurt everyone around them. I wouldn't file a divorce ever and hope she doesn't too. So I would make this thing between us work.

"That's good mate. Where do you guys live so I can personally congratulate you?" Caleb asked in a much better mood than when I picked up.

I gave him the address and told him I would be on my way back to the house too. The estate was more than half an hour away from the office, but I didn't mind the distant since I loved to drive. The sun was setting when I pulled into the winded driveway. I already had my two other sportscar transported from my old place and also a stunning new SUV which was compatible for the two kids. Basically, I got us a family car.

I also caught a sight of Caleb's own sportscar parked in the driveway. I locked my car and strode into the wide house. I could see what Eleanor liked about this than the other three. It was cozier and well-put together. I heard a conversation and laughter going on in the kitchen. I stopped in the archway that led me there and looked at the view.

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