1.1.8 ;; training (2)

Start from the beginning

Techno still doesn't understand the physics of it. At least it wouldn't be a real death, just... something like death. He has no choice but to trust the creators with this one.

'... don't worry about dying! If you hit the ground your soul will just be knocked out of your body so you'll just be astral projecting yourself!' He faintly remembers from the back of his head. But Techno would have no way of knowing whether Creator was lying or not. Only trust, forced trust.

"Oh fuck—" Wilbur yells as he slips off the cobblestone slabs. He now hangs by one hand, clinging desperately to a slippery stone. 

"Goddammit Wilbur!" Tommy yells, running to the brown haired man, grabbing his hand and pulling Wilbur up with all his might. "Be more careful, really!" He says, somewhat spitefully. 

Wilbur rolls his eyes, pushing his glasses up his nose and brushes the curls out of his eyes. "It's not as easy as you think Tommy." He groans before immediately going back to work. 

The blonde sighs, before picking up the water and dragging it closer to Wilbur. "Use it next time." He says loudly before walking back to the previous island, yelling out profanities when a snowball smacks him in the ass.

"Coast is clear, let's go." Technoblade mutters to no one in particular, gliding gracefully along the bridge and blocking all of the snowballs being thrown at him. "Why do they have so many snowballs?" Techno thinks to himself, pulling out a few more snowballs to defeat two particularly annoying bots easily. One falls while the other manages to save themselves.

"Hey guys, the walls closing in! We need to get going now!" Phil yells, rummaging through the chests to see if there's anything of importance they needed to keep before following the rest of the group. 

"Do we need these spawners?" Wilbur asks, but no one answers him. Tommy grins as he fits on a shield, and passes Techno the diamonds for him to use.

"What else do we need to make?" Phil asks, sounding a little out of breath. The man did run all the way there so some credit could be given. 

"Dunno. We're running out of food too." Techno grumbles, shushing his stomach. For some reason in the arena he had been feeling more hungrier than usual, and he had been feeling fine before this. Maybe it was the way the creators coded the game. Maybe.

"Take the bread." Wilbur throws a loaf of bread at Techno that Tommy fails to intercept. The loaf is hard and smooth against Techno's calloused worn hands, and he manages to devour the whole thing. 

"Okay, I'm good. What do we need?" Technoblade asks.

"To get to the next island." Tommy says. "Shouldn't we be getting there first?" 

Philza sighs as he cuts down the webs for its string. "Craft the things first and then start bridging." 


"I'm lost already."

The masked man groans. "Fuck." 

In order to keep the training as real as possible, Dream had told George and Sapnap not to bring the maps of the labyrinth with them. And now he regrets not memorizing the labyrinth before doing this. Dream doesn't know where he's going, he doesn't know where he came from. All he's been doing is mindlessly collecting sand, grabbing coins, and slashing away at spiders and zombies.

"Fuck!" Dream throws his sword at a zombie out of rage, balling his gloved hands into fists as he slams his right hand into the wall. "This is so fucking stupid!" 

He couldn't lead a team like this. They should've memorized the labyrinth first.

'But they're gonna change the labyrinth a bit in the Championship, it doesn't matter,' a little mini voice inside his head tells him. 

daydream, nightmare ;; dreamnobladeWhere stories live. Discover now