He sighs, "See, it's not like the company is going under but I'd rather take the measures now than regret couple of years later, you know?"

"Absolutely, planning ahead is always a smart choice," I say as we take a seat on different sides of the desk, "You do know that with the investment increase, the role in decision making would also go up?"

"That's actually what I wanted to talk about," he says, turning on his laptop as he opens a file, "I understand that's how it works conventionally but don't you think Clark Enterprise already is engaged enough? We'll be more open to suggestions and engagement, of course, but the final call should ideally be our own."

His words confuse me as I continue to look at what he's proposing because this actually sounds absolutely absurd. "I don't think you understand, Liam. With the increased share, the money at stake is ours, so how can you still make the final call?"

"I'm not saying that you won't have a say in the matter, but Clark, you've got to agree that ideally our company knows better with what they're doing."

I want to point out that if they really knew what they were doing, they wouldn't be in a debt but that's now how you play it in the business. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I settle back in the chair, going through it in my head before shaking my head.

"That can't be it, I mean, it's a ridiculous assumption on your end too. You can't have the best of both worlds."

He doesn't look fazed by my words as he sighs, "Look, I didn't want to bring this up but this is exactly what your contract with Vince is like. You have the major holdings, yet it's their board calling the decisions, in fact your father is the only one majorly involved over there."

His words immediately make my jaw clench as I stare at him. He must've been waiting to use that card in case I didn't agree with his terms, but what surprises me is how much does he know about this. This isn't public information, in fact, only Gabriel and his board's aware of the contract.

"Hold on, that's completely different. Our contract with Vince is nothing like yours, there are a lot more things that go under it, and you all of people should be aware about that. Also, how do you even know this stuff?"

He shrugs at my words, "Your father in law doesn't hold his liquor well, which is why I was surprised to know you're related, because he didn't mention it. I just assumed you were doing them a favour, but it makes sense to know you're sleeping with his daughter so in-laws and all."

He only angers me further as I try not to break the glass under my hands as I glare at him, pushing him to rethink his words and he sighs, rubbing his forehead against his palm.

"Alright, I apologise, shouldn't have said that, but just understand the plight I'm under. We know how to run the business and you only care about profits, which I promise you will be there."

"No offence, Hudson, but if you knew how to run the business, you wouldn't be using your tactics of borderline manipulation to get a deal done, especially when you're away on a vacation with your family," I speak, my tone clipped because why the fuck should I hold back when he isn't. I'm not the only who needs him, because it's clear he needs the investments more than our company cares for the profits.

"That's a low blow." He breathes, but just earns a shrug in return because I'm just balancing the playfield.

Nevertheless, I think his words over, what he's offering and what can be put at stake to actually strike this deal because if the profits go up, it would double the revenue, there's absolutely no doubt about that.

"I'll offer you a deal, you make the final call on the decisions with my team's engagement, but you sign a clause that if the company goes under with my money, you'll owe me every penny back with double the interest."

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