S1: Episode One

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Three days until Annual Purge.....


<Lyla Brooks>

"The Purge. A night of violence and destruction! A bunch of bullshit if you asked me," a girl behind me says.

I just sit there, reading my Science textbook, ignoring the whole topic in general. The whole class is talking about it, while the teacher is on the phone in the room.

I continue reading my textbook, when a orange liquid spills over the page I'm reading. I look up to see Gina, smirking at me, while her groupies are laughing behind her.

"Oops. My bad. Were you reading that?" She says, laughing after that, with her whole group doing the same.

I just wipe it with my sleeve and ignore their presence, which is kinda hard since she's making herself known. She finally walks away, calling me names and making fun of my whole outfit in general.

I roll my eyes and continue reading the book, until the bell rings, ending the day. I grab my books and head out, rushing. I didn't even notice someone in front of me and I run smack into them. Their hard body hitting my weak one.

I fall on the floor, ignoring the snarks and giggles from certain bystanders. I started picking up my books, but when I look up to see who I ran into, my heart sinks.

Jeremy Duncan?! It Had to be Him!!

Why Him of all people?!

I quickly stand up, holding my books up to my chest, and stare at the floor.

He's your basic jock, but also your typical asshole too. He doesn't care who you are, girl or guy, he will make you pay. Typical bully, but compared to Gina, he's Way worse.

"I'm sorry Jeremy. Won't happen again," I say to him, trying not to sound like I'm about to cry.

I don't even look to see what he's about to do, until I feel a cold liquid on my head. That's when I noticed he poured a bottle of Dr Pepper over my head. Everyone laughs and I just stand there, not moving.

Then, I hear a girls voice coming from behind the group, and I look up to see  it's my friend, Jessie, coming up to me and pulling me through the group, away from everyone, into the girls bathroom. I start wiping my hair with paper towels, while she's punching the wall, kicking the stalls, etc.

"Jessie! Please stop. You look ridiculous." I tell her, while wiping away the stickiness.

"That asshole will get it on one of these nights! I swear it!" She yells, pacing back and forth.

"He's been lucky so far. What makes you think this year is any different?"

"I don't know Lyla. If only I would've been there sooner, you wouldn't have to go through this. Oh. Did that bitch give you any trouble? I'll knock her out if I have too."

"It's fine. I can handle this. If they start raping me, I'll scream out your name. You come running, you hear?"

Jessie smiles and nods, looking happier now. She sits on the sink, helping me wipe away the stickiness.

"So. Even past the jerky attitude, you have to admit, Jeremy's kinda cute."

I roll my eyes, but don't deny it.

As far as looks and body, Jeremy is your guy.

He's on the basketball team here, which won two State Champion games, with him playing starter both times. He's your perfect man. Blue eyes, blonde hair, and freckles.

Surviving The Night: Season One Where stories live. Discover now