Chapter Five: If I Could Tell Her

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"Kim Jisoo, where on Earth have you been?"

Mother's booming voice came down the spiral staircase as I entered the palace. I knew she'd react this way. She was one for the dramatics. A part of me felt bad about not telling her my whereabouts, but another part of me couldn't give less of a damn.

"I was in the forest," I answered. "I fell asleep there."

Technically, I wasn't lying. I had gone to the forest and I had fallen asleep right after Jennie. However, when I woke up this morning, she was gone. All that remained was a swan feather.

"Asleep in the forest?" Mother gawked. "That's no place for the princess of France! And what in God's name are those clothes? They're ghastly!"

"I borrowed them from Lisa," I replied. "Didn't want to get my dress dirty."

"Get out of those clothes right now," she demanded. "The ball is tomorrow night. I can't have someone see you in those hideous garments. Imagine what they'd say about our family!"

"I don't want to get out of these clothes," I stated.

"Well, you will, whether you like it or not," Mother huffed.

I knew that I couldn't win. I could say as many curse words in French that I wanted behind her back, but it wasn't a win. I was still forced to live this lifestyle that I despised. One where visual appearance and wealth was all that mattered. One where love was non-existent and only mattered when your spouse had a hefty bank account. It was horrid, all of it.

Mother put me through rigorous etiquette classes the entire day. She said that if I learned from them, then I'd stop acting like a young boy and more like a proper lady. I hated that phrase. "Proper lady." What the hell even constitutes as that? Being a proper lady shouldn't be about appearance, rather your heart and disposition.

The only true proper lady I could think of was Jennie. Not only was she visually stunning, but she was so graceful too. The way she danced, it was so effortless and pristine, despite having not danced before. I loved being around her. It was so fun to just sit and talk with her about anything that came to our minds. She may have not been perfect, but to me, she was perfect as one could get.

"Darling, we talked about this." Mother rolled her eyes. "Sit up straighter. Your back must be as straight as a ruler."

"That's not how spines are designed," I argued. "Besides, who cares how I sit? I'm the only one who should be bothered by such things."

"You must look presentable when the suitors arrive," she tried to persuade me.

"I'm not marrying them," I persisted.

"Yes you will," she said sternly. "Good Lord, how was I gifted with such an unruly daughter?"

"Deal with it." I took a bite of my strawberry shortcake.

"Jisoo, honey, you need to stop acting this way. It's just unnatural," she pleaded.

"What's unnatural about it, huh?" I said with my mouth full.

"For one, princesses do not talk with their mouth full," she spat.

"My apologies, your majesty," I mocked.

"You little brat," she fumed.

"Tête de bite." I shrugged. "May I be excused?"  [Dickhead.]

"No," Mother responded. "We must be on the same level before you go waltzing off again."

"On the same level about what?" I questioned.

Secret Story of the Swan: A Jensoo Swan Lake AUWhere stories live. Discover now