
"I'm so sorry that the kids were acting like that." Kurt said. Sebastian, Blaine, Kurt and I went out for coffee to discuss plans for Sectionals.

"And Rachel." I mumbled.

"It's okay." Blaine said sadly. "Dalton and McKinley are like sworn enemies. It's natural for those kids to not want to perform with them."

"But they shouldn't have acted like that." I said. Sebastian grabbed my hand, squeezing it tightly.

"They never understood what it was like to be a warbler. They didn't get to experience it. They don't know how much being a warbler means. It's not their fault." Sebastian said.

"But you two do understand. Once a Warbler, always a Warbler." Blaines words hit a nerve. There will never be another graduating class of Warblers. That's really sad.

"You know what Nick told me before we left?" Sebastian asked. We all shook our heads. "He said that they would give anything to perform as the warblers one last time. I wish i could give that to them."

"What if we could?" I asked, smiling at the men in front of me.

"What are you talking about?" Blaine asked.

"Kurt, do you still have your blazer?" I asked.

"Yeah I always keep it in my car." Kurt said.

"I have mine hanging up in my office." I said, smiling. "And you two have your blazers on right now."

"Glad that we discussed that we all have our blazers, but what does this have to do with literally anything." Blaine said.

"I say we throw it all the way back to Junior year of high school." I said smiling.

"Youre a beautiful genius." Sebastian said.

"I know." I said smiling.


Kurt had gathered all of the students into the auditorium, including the warblers. Sebastian and I were hiding backstage with Kurt's blazer. Blaine sat down at the piano, wearing his blazer as he began to sing.

Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better

"That is a sight that I haven't seen in a very long time." Sebastian said, looking at me in my blazer. I couldn't help but look down in embarrassment. He put his hand under my chin, lifting my face up slowly. "Don't. You look amazing."

"You don't look to bad your self." I said, smiling at him. He was leaning up against the wall. I walked up to him, our faces inches apart. He leaned down to kiss me, and I gladly returned the kiss. This was like no kiss that I've ever had with anyone, not even him. It's a kiss that felt right, a kiss that sent a thousand fire works in your nervous system. I pulled away smiling like a maniac.

I brought my hands to his tie, tightening it for him.

"It was crooked." I said.

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