Chapter 23

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Thank you for doing this, Cav." Sebastian said, holding my hand as we walked down the hallway of McKinley.

"It's my pleasure." I said. "Besides, we need people for sectionals, and maybe the guys would like to be in the musical. We need Greasers." Sebastian laughed.

"I'm sure that they would love to do it." Sebastian said.


"Ms. R, with all due respect, what the hell are the warblers and their coaches doing in here?" Kitty asked. I smiled at her, and the rest of the room.

"I would also like to know." Rachel said. "Cavanagh doesn't like to tell us things anymore." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the brunette.

"Well, Mr. Smythe and Mr. Anderson are here to talk to you about something very important. Please show them respect and be nice to the warblers." I said. I took a seat behind the piano.

"Okay, um, thank you." Sebastian said.

"So Sebastian and I didn't really know how to come out and say this to you guys." Blaine said.

"So we decided to be blunt about it." Sebastian said. "Dalton Academy is no longer a school, as most of you know."

"Wait what?" The choir asked together.

"What do you mean Dalton Academy is no longer a school?" Kurt asked sadly.

"Do you guys, like, not watch the news... or pay attention to social media?" Sebastian asked.

"Dalton Academy burned down." Blaine said. All of the warblers in the room looked down at the floor. For most of them, dalton was the place that they called home.

"While that's sad, why are they here again?" Kitty asked.

"They are here because the Dalton Academy warblers are now members of the McKinley High New Directions." I said, smiling. the room went into a frenzy, shouting and scoffing filled the air.

"And you couldn't have let us know?!" Rachel asked.

"Im sorry, Ms. R, but they didn't let me be a warbler, why should I let them be a New Direction?" Jane asked.

"That is a very good point." Mason said.

"Do you all hear yourselves?" I asked. The room fell very quiet. "The New Directions is the home of the misfits, the home of those who don't have anywhere else to go." I said. Sebastian was looking at me. "The Warblers lost their home. They lost their team. They lost what they love to do. Don't deprive them of this."

"We don't care. They are competing against us, not with us." Madison said.

"We understand." Nick said sadly. I could see that this was absolutely crushing them, and their coaches.

"If we don't perform with the warblers, we don't perform at all." I said, getting shocked results from the adults in the room.

"You can't do that, Cavanagh." Jane said.

"Watch me." I said. I was so fed up with the behavior of the kids that I had to leave the room. There was no way I could sit there in good conscience and let them tear these kids down. They already lost so much, no need for them to lose more.

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