Chapter 1

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{??? / 1st person POV}

Strange............. So very strange.........

At this moment I stood in the infinite emptiness of space, nothing was around me except the vast number of stars that were peacefully shining within space. Is rather confusing to be sure but something equally as confusing was my very self.

I am getting a bit ahead of myself so let's back track for a moment....

I 'woke up' about an hour ago (or at least that's how long it felt), for the first five minutes I was trying to get my bearings and try to rationalize the situation I was in. I was in space, somehow able to survive in space and I was not entirely human.

The space part was pretty wild but after realizing I was okay, I stopped focusing on that in favor of focusing on something else, namely my new inhuman form.

Upon first seeing my new body I was reasonably shocked but...... not as much as I thought I would be. It was not something I was familiar with but it did not feel wrong or unnatural. I studied myself a bit more and I can safely say I am one badass looking Dragon, it felt very different than what my normal squishy human body felt.

For one my senses were heightened, allowing me to see things in detail no human should. I could also feel the flow of some type of energy coursing through me. As confused as I was about the whole situation, I could not stop admiring my new form, all the little details, all the little sensations....... They all just felt...... right.

I shook my head to regain some focus then began to think for a moment. So, let's recap:

1. I died due to blood loss after helping a woman.

2. I woke up inside a star in the middle of space.

3. I am no longer human but instead a cool looking dragon.

With those points down I think I can lay down some guess work,

First of all: How?

Well I don't really know HOW but I can think of a few reasons (Reincarnation, getting isekaid, God granting you another chance etc.), the reason may be lost to me but I am alive and that's all that matters.

Second of all: Why?

Well......... I refer you to my first question, for one I did not meet any divine being so they can give me the 'you are going to another world' talk, I am also not getting the urge to strangle puppies which means I was not cursed by some devil so that's out too. Really there is no real reason why.... at least none that I know of.

I would probably be getting a headache by now from all these questions, thankfully my new dragon self does not feel any of that so that's nice.

Despite all my questions one thing is clear: I am a Dragon in space. Standing around and racking my brain for an answer I don't have will lead me nowhere, the best I can do now is figure out what I can do and hope I can find an inhabited planet (Hopefully earth) because I don't want to be stranded in space forever.

Rex: ''*Sigh* What a mess......''

Even though there should be no way for me to speak or sigh in space I still do it anyway, was that I sign of something? Maybe....

Regardless, is time I do a good old-fashioned training montage.

{1st month of awakening}

About a month has passed. During this time, I tried to figure out what I can do and my first surprising discovery was...... that I already knew.

It's hard to explain it but the moment I asked myself 'what am I?' I somehow received an answer, like my mind already had that knowledge stored inside it and I just had to ask so I can know it. Crazy right?

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