Chapter 25

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{1st Person POV}

Chief: ''Thank you! You have done us a great service traveler''

Back at Yamatai after Orochi was defeated, the chief along with the other elders gathered around to celebrate and thank me.

Chief: ''I wish we could compensate you with something, we don't have anything in the form riches to pay you with...''

Rex: ''Is fine, I don't really need a reward. But if you are really inclined to reward me, then I wouldn't mind some soba''

Chief: ''Of course! That we can provide plenty of!''

The chief and the rest of the villagers scattered to prepare my 'reward' for liberating them from Orochi's tyranny.

Tamamo: ''Well, well, well. I didn't peg you for someone who would mooch of off other people, eh? Mister hero?''

.... Dam this fox, using my own words against me....


It was only an hour later that me, Alice and Tamamo got ready to leave. After receiving our 'rewards' we bid the villagers goodbye before hitting the road.

Tamamo: ''That was fun, but this is where I must take my leave''

Just as we stepped foot outside the village, Tamamo stopped and declared that she was going to return to the monster lord's castle.

Rex: ''I see... Thanks for showing me how to use gnome's power''

Tamamo: ''Think nothing of it. When you reach the monster lord's castle, I won't be showing you mercy anyway''

Rex: ''Hehe... I am looking forward to it''

I flashed the fox knight a toothy grin, my excitement at the prospect of fighting the heavenly knights in the future on full display.

Tamamo gazed at me for a second, right before she closed her fan and did a backflip into some bushes, disappearing completely from my radar...

Rex: ''What a strange woman...''

She really is strange... In one moment she helps me and in another she antagonizes me, makes me wonder if she is either out to get me or just likes messing with me...

Well... Is not like it matters. The knights may be chaotic as hell but at least they do not actively try to harm humans, Granberia excluded and even then, she only hunts heroes.

Alice: ''What are you standing there for?''

Rex: ''Oh! Sorry, got distracted for bit''

Shaking away my thoughts, I joined my companion as we advanced down the road that took us here.


Alice: ''.... Remind me why we are going there again''

Rex: ''Oh come on Alice, it will be fun!''

My companion eyed me with a bit of doubt when the words 'fun' left my mouth, she was not really thrilled to go to where we were going to now...

To give you an idea about what's going on. Once we had descended down the mountain, I spotted a small path that went in the direction of the second most interesting village in Noah, Plansect Village.

According to rumors this place is to monsters what a village is to humans, and compared to Harpy Village (the only other place that had monster living it) this one houses many different races, primarily bug and plant type monsters.

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