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"Kourtney Wayne" called out Deliah which bought her out of her thoughts
"Yes Dee" said Kourtney

"Kourt give our boring Layla some concentration or she will be hurt " said Deliah and Kourt rolled her eyes

"Yeah like she cares, she is just a leave teacher who Just completes her portions and get out of the class" stated Kourt

"Harsh but true , we need to live with it and absorb our textbooks to live " said Deliah

"I wish I was home schooled , at least I can have peace but I'll miss you so that's a big no" said Kourt

"Girl! I'll miss you too, let's get out of this hell as soon as we can" said Deliah
"Yes! Girl!" I said with her

"Silence" said Layla
"Like we care, we pass with our hard work" said Deliah
"Agreed" whispered Kourtney

Kourt and Deliah got back to their studies , they tried to grasp what Layla was saying as much as they could. Delilah was planning things in her mind while concentrating to the classes.

"Any second now" whispered Deliah
"What?" Asked Kourt confused

Suddenly the bell rang and it hit her. Deliah gave her a smile and Kourt did the same. Sound rose from the whole college after the bell , the sound of lot of students talking. Layla started taking her textbooks.

"Thankyou class" said Layla
"At last" whispered Deliah

Kourt have Deliah smile to her comment. Layla left the class as fast as she can. They remaining students in the class stated talking and walking around. Kourtney and Deliah started taking her books and packing them to their bag.

"Let's go" said Deliah. They both took their bags and started walking to the corridor.

"Kourt , you know that the weekend is coming up " said Deliah
"I know, what is cooking in you mind" asked Kourt with an eye brow slant

"I was kind of thinking that we could hit the club , have some fun and enjoy our weekends" said Deliah with her lit up eyes .

"Club?" Asked Kourt with a questioning Look and Deliah came in front of her in excitement

"Yes Kourt , we can have fun , enjoy this boring life getting some time away from the books " said Deliah with excitement oozing from her

"That's a solid point , let me think about it" said Kourt and Deliah gave her puppy eyes

"Ok" said Kourt with a smile, Deliah's whole face had lit up due to the happiness by the positive answer

"We are going to rock it girl" said Deliah , they both were walking towards the cafeteria

The entrance of the Cafeteria had a few students standing . They were gossiping nonstop. One of the student's eyes fall on Kourtney and a  grin appears on their face. She hit the guy next to her , signalling Kourtney is coming.

"Guess who is here, oh yes it's the losers of this place" said The girl
"Janine get over your foolishness" muttered Kourtney

"What did you say " asked Janine. Anger was rising in Janine , she couldn't accept the fact that Kourtney said something against her.

"I said that you really need to get over the foolishness of calling us Losers , miss Janine" said Kourtney.

Kourtney was the girl who gets bullied , she usually hears it but never reacts. For a change Kourtney reacted to the words told against her which shocked everyone. Janine couldn't register that a girl like Kourtney said against her.

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