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(Back at the hotel room)

"Agh!! Finally!" screamed as she thrown herself at the bed.

"I'll take a shower first" then entered the bathroom not waiting for her answer. I prepared myself for a bath then sat a while at the tub thinkin of what happened today.
"Wow.. In my teen years, I've always dreamed on meeting them....*smile.. Such luck.

"Here. I'll be looking forward in working with you tomorrow, マクシン(Maxine)."

That thought suddenly came to me. I mean, how?.. I've never said it to them right? I mean, except hina-chan, we are already friends after all. Peculiar...  Maybe at my-

I hurriedly got out of the tub, wrapped myself with towel, loudly opened the bathroom door and run to the desk where my phone is.


"SHUSH! i think he already know" still looking my phone then to the eyes of Masahiro as my lockscreen. I put my my name on the lockscreen. How stupid.

"Know what?!"
"My real first name"

From being suprised to bored look hina said ".....And??"

"tutututut! It just feels weird.. Saying it from his mouth is lovely.. Yet weird.."

"The heck is wrong with you. Your name is beautiful. Here eat some gyōza."  She said as she shoved some to my mouth and hurriedly caught the wrap to my towel almost showing my naked body "AND PUT SOME CLOTHES ON HAHHAHAHHAHA!!"


"Today's the first day xin-san, are you ready?"  hinako asked as she grabbed the metallic door.

"..... Yes. Yes I am hina-chan, 頑張って(goodluck)"  i answered her and gave her a fist bump.

"はい、頑張ります!(yes! Goodluck!).

*ball sounds everywhere

" yoish!!"
" nice serve!!"
"nice toss!!"

Wow. I have never been in a gymnasium full of PRO players before. You can see there passion by their hard work.


Oh and look some fangirls too.. Ah maybe they have a game... Like a practice match i think. I feel so ashamed not knowing about all this.. Uh.. Schedule.. Yep.


"luh, sana all (luh, i hope everyone)" i said soflty as we pass in front of them.

"Excuse me, but do you even have a pass to  go in the court??"  A sassy lookin girl with a camera in her hands said while chewing a gum.

"yeah, and- oh my, look she doesn't look like from here, *laughs my, my, are you lost??"   her friend (maybe) said.

I totally batted my eyes to them then hina interrupted

"yah! Its none of your business squealing pigs blehhhh!"  then gave them a weird look with tongue out.

" why you!"  she almost slappes hina but i got her and move her closer.

"listen here, pig. We have an exclusive pass. Stop wasting our time cause we have some RARE photos and meeting with the handsome and amazing players in the court and i can only be the one who can slap her-"

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