I've Heard of these crackpots

Start from the beginning

Manfred picked up the melon and was about to carry it to the baby, when suddenly, a dodo bird burst from the bush and snatched the melon away. The dodo scurried off, squawking like crazy, leaving everyone confused.

"I don't know, but I've been told"

"I don't know, but I've been told"

"End of the world be mighty cold"

"End of the world be mighty cold"

"Prepare for the Ice age!"

"Protect the dodo way of life!"

"Survival separates the dodos from the beasts!"

"Protect the dodo way of life!"

"Prepare for the ice age"

All 4 mammals and the tiny human all stood on a small cliff looking at them. "Ice age?" Sid asked.

Diego spoke, "I've heard of these crackpots."

The dodo that took the melon put it on a tree stump, where there were two other melons. After placing it safe, the dodo saw the group and panicked. "Awk! Intruders!"

"Now, don't fall in. If you do, you will definitely..."

"Intruders! Intrud– AAAAHHH!


"...burn and die."

They all walked over to a group of dodos near the melons. "Hey, can we have our melon back? Junior's hungry and uh..."

"NO WAY!" One dodo jumped on one of the melons. "This is our private stockpile for the Ice Age! Sub-arctic temperatures will force us underground for a million, billion years!"

"So you got 3 melons?"

The dodos looked at their melons before turning back to the group, offended by that comment.

"If you weren't smart enough to plan ahead, then doom on you!"

"Doom on you, doom on you...!"

"Get away from me!"

"OH NO! NO!" The dodo on the melon lost balance and fell off. Sending the melon into the small human's arms. Seeing that part of their food supply is in danger, the leader sprang into action.


Y/n grabbed The baby and protected it from any of the dodos.

The dodos suddenly did martial arts poses, trying to be intimidating. They started kicking each other. One dodo kicked one dodo towards Roshan. He kicked the melon out of Roshan's hands. Another dodo caught the melon with his head and tossed it to another dodo. Tossing it from one dodo to another, they kept tossing it until one dodo accidentally tossed it over a cliff.



Not paying much attention, they pushed the dodo off the cliff, taking themselves with him. "There goes our last female." The dodo he was talking to gulped.

Sid snuck behind the tree stump and attempted to take one of the melons but the dodos noticed him and charged at him Together, they took the melon out of Sid's hands and tossed it to each other upward one dodo kicked it away. Three dodos caught it with their beaks, but were standing right above the smoking crater.

"GOT IT, GOT IT, GOT IT, GOT IT, GOT IT!.... DON'T GOT IT!" They fall into the crater with the melon.

The dodos gasp. "The last melon."

Sid had the melon in grasp but was mobbed by all of the Dodos The Melon flew out of the sloth's hands- once again Manny caught the melon and held it high, preventing it from being snatched up by dodos. But as he concentrated in protecting the melon, he failed to notice one of the dodos was behind him. The dodo leaps up and chomped on Manny's tail, causing him to scream in pain and toss the melon into the air. Thee melon is now flying high into the air. Sid runs after it, dodging several dodos along the way. The melon bounces on some of the birds' heads before landing in Sid's hands. Sid smiled, now having some food for the baby. As he looks up, he notices all the dodos were starting to close in on him, ready for the final assault to grab the melon. Surrounded, Sid looked at The tiny mammal human, who held his hand out, wanting the melon. Outnumbered, but not giving up on the baby, Sid held the melon tightly and started running through the dodo flocks. Using his hand to protect him, he pushed, shoved and smacked every dodo in his path out of the way. Like a brave football player, he braved his way through the countless dodos in his way. Some dodos tried attacking Sid, but ended up inadvertently attacking each other. Fighting his way through the flocks, Sid saw the remaining flock charging towards him all around. Making a risky action, Sid jumped up and flew above all the dodos. Manfred, Diego and They baby watched Sid fly. The small human closed his eyes, worried for the sloth. Sid landed on the ground, and though hurt, he managed to save the melon. The baby looked and cheered, along with the others. Sid successfully saved the food for the little squirt. Sid celebrated his victory while the dodos mourned over the loss of their food supply. Sid didn't pay attention, being too busy to notice. But in his joy, he threw the melon to the ground like a football player spiking the ball after a touchdown. This caused everyone's joy to turn into shock and disappointment.

Diego was annoyed. "AAH, Sid! Now we gotta find more food."

Manny, Sid, Y/n, and Diego looks at the baby eating the melon and saw the dodos running around like headless chickens.

"Right, more to the right. Right, right, right. More to the right. Right, right, right."

"Look at that. Dinner and a show."

"Left, Left, Left! LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, WAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! Woah!"

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