The Last Resort

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Third Person's POV

"A thing of beauty should be cherised and protect it" Aleena said "But if we fear to lose it, it can lead to betrayal and ugliness" Markus said.

Our four heroes were in an abandoned sewer looking for something Robotnik has hidden, Manic pointing out that it would be here as no one would think of looking here. At the ebd of the road they found a safe and Manic tried to open it but it was actually Dingo morphed "No escape for you this time, Sonic and Brody! The royal wolf and hedgehogs are about to be deposed permanently" Sleet said arriving with swatbots "Get them!" Sleet said and Sonic and Brody run around Dingo creating a tornado sending Dingo flying into Sleet knocking him down.

Sonia and Manic helped Sonic and Brody take out the swatbots and they all run away "Don't let them get away!" Sleet said as the heroes exit the building and get on their van driving away.

"Are you sure you know where you going Brody?" Sonia asked as Brody was the one driving "Cause I think we are lost" She said "Sis is right, all this desert just looks like...well desert" Manic said "Take a chill pill. I know exactly where I'm going" Brody said "And where exactly?" Sonia asks "Away from Sleet and Dingo" Brody said "I knew it! You are lost! Why guys won't ever admit when they are lost" Sonia said "Hey! Don't include me on this I'm on your side!" Manic said "Well you are a guy!" Sonia said "Hey! I resent that!" Sonic, Brody and Manic said "Besides I still got us away" Brody said

"Wow woukd you look at that" Brody said stopping at a cliff as they see below a town "It's like all of Mobius before Robotnik took over" Sonia said and Brody drives down the cliff and gets to the city and the four get out of the van "Am I dreaming or what?" Sonic asks "Welcome to lake valley resort, I'm stripes" A tiger said "Ans you are?" He asks Sonia "I'm Sonia and this are my brother and this my friend Sonic, Manic and Brody" she said pointing at Sonic and Manic first then Brody "Very pleased to meet YOU" Stripes said grabbing Sonia's palm and kisses it "And your brothers and friend" he said "Not many travelers come through the wasteland. What brings you to our valley?" He asked "Well you know we were just kicking some swatbo-ow" Manic said as Sonic elbows him "Yeah we are kicking back" Sonic said "See the sights. Tourists know what I mean?" Brody asks "What's with the elbow bro?" Manic asks Sonic "Don't blab about the resistance till we know whichcside they are on" Sonic whispered "It's all so wonderful like Mobius used to be. How did you manage to keep it safe from robotnik?" Sonia asks "We mind our own business and Robotnik leaves us alone. Why should he care about one little valley in all of Mobius" Stripes said "If he doesn't control it..." Sonic started "Buttnik cares about it" Brody said "You and your brothers and friend are welcome to stay as long as you like" Stripes said "Let's do it! It's so beautiful here" Sonia said and Sonic and Brody agreed to take a break.

"I hope you'll be comfortable it's the best we can do on short notice" Stripes said as he took our heroes to the house they'll rest in "It's beautiful! If there's anything you want just ask" Stripes said leaving "This reminds me of vacations with my foster family when I was a child" Sonia said "It reminds me of anything I didn't have as a kid" Manic said as the four go out in the balcony "But you know, I can get used to this place" Manic said "Don't get too used to this place" Brody said "We still don't know which side Stripes is on" Sonic said.

Later at night in Stripes house, Stripes opened a secret compartiment he has revealing a computer and he turns it on contacting Robotnik "Ah, Sripes. I hope you're calling with good news for your sake, are there strangers in the valley?" Robotnik asks "Yes um, three, three strangers" Stripes said skipping one "It's four I'm interested in oh well, can't have everything yet" robotnik said "Are they with the resistance?" He asked "I-I, I don't know but I will find out" Stripes said "Well you better be fast remember our deal? I leave your valley alone if you turn over all members of the resistance to me" Robotnik said "Y-Yes sir. I know" Stripes said "If they are members of the resistance, you must roboticize them now" Robotnik said hanging up.

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