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The prettiest eyes
cried the most tears...


I tear up when I am teared.
All of my pieces are gone and now I can't put them back.
It's a puzzle,finding each and every part fitting it back at right place.

The night sky with a moon.The odd one.
It doesn't feel lonely cause it has stars to company it.
Sometimes I wonder how the moon feels to be the odd one.
Shining ever so brightly because of the sun.
The moon is shining solo,with all the stars surrounding it.

I cried.
Tears staining my cheeks.
My eyes looked red and puffy.
My red nose which looks like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.
Rudolph was the only odd dear...
Just like how I am a odd one out in this world cause the world itself keeps shutting me out.

I feel as if I wasn't supposed to be born in the first place..
A mistake.
A useless girl who brought nothing but love but still gets hated.
A useless person who loves her enemies and loved people though they hate her.
A useless being in this world with no goals.

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