Agonizing Attacks

Start from the beginning

"I tried, you didn't even flinch. So I just left you there, besides I had to go to Lockhart's class to send my Valentine." She shyly smiled. She had finally perfected her Valentine and was slightly embarrassed about actually sending to Potter.

"He is going to love it Gin." I smiled at her and we went our separate ways for our classes. The dwarves would come into our classes all day and give out the valentines. Some were just handed papers, while others were Singing Valentines, much to the annoyance of the teachers. After herbology had ended all of the second year Gryffindors headed towards Charms. I fell in the back of the crowds. Neville and I were talking about today's Herbology assignment when we stopped in the middle of the corridor. I couldn't push my way through so Neville and I stayed there waiting for someone to move. I could faintly hear some sort of commotion, but the other students chatting kept me from understand what was going on.

I could see Percy briefly push his way through and he starting sending people to their classes. Now that everyone had started leaving I could hear the commotion better, unfortunately I only caught the end of it. "I don't think Potter liked your valentine much!" I heard the unmistakable voice of my brother shout. I locked eyes with a pair of watery brown eyes before Ginny ran past me. I then locked eyes with an identical pair of eyes. I glared at Draco before taking off after Ginny. I knew exactly where she would go and I found her in our alcove. She was on the floor, her knees curled up into her chest, crying her eyes out. I let out a sigh before I dropped down beside her. I put my arms around her and rubbed circles on her back.

She quickly pulled back from me and was frantic. "Ginny, please take breath and organize your thoughts. I can not understand you right now."

"H-Harry" Ginny hiccuped. "He - he - he,"

"He didn't like your Valentine?" I tried to supply, "Did he make fun of you?" A defensive tone took over my voice. She rapidly shook her head.

"He has the diary." She choked out before falling into sobs again. I felt my blood run cold. Potter has the diary. What if Riddle gets him, what if Riddle makes him attack more people. What if someone is killed? What if he finds out about Ginny and I being forced to attack the first students and tells someone, we could be expelled.

"We'll get it back. We will get it back and the destroy the diary once and for all. No matter how long it takes, it will be destroyed." Ginny and I stayed there for a few hours, she eventually passed out from crying. I held her and thought about ways to get the dairy back. It was Monday so I would do everything to watch Potter and see if he leaves it laying around anywhere. I momentarily thought about how Potter found the diary, but knew it wouldn't be a good idea to ask her. I felt responsible for her. She was like a little sister I always wanted. Her and Anya both. I knew I had to get this diary back to protect them both. Time was of the essence, Potter would eventually figure out how the diary worked. I shifted Ginny to the pile of pillows and took off the common room.

Walking in I saw Potter, Weasley, and Granger were huddled together on the couch. I didn't see the diary in sight, but I was planning on sitting in the corner and waiting to see if he took it out. As soon as I sat down I could see Ginny's brothers, Fred and George make room near the fireplace. They starting singing Ginny's Valentine, making fun of it. Potter turned red and looked beyond embarrassed. Most of the Gryffindors were laughing about it and joining in. I felt completely sick and couldn't shake away my anger. "OI!" I shouted while marching over to Fred and George and stood on my tippy toes to grab their ears and pull them down to my height.

They instantly started shrieking and the room fell silent. I released them I turned to face them and the room. "You two are complete gormless cads! She is your little sister! Not only have you completely abandoned her on her first year of school, you traumatized her when the whole school was already traumatized, now your making fun of her to the whole school house. You ought to be ashamed, I know your mother will be!" They looked terrified, good. I heard a little snicker and my eyes found Little Weasley's eyes. "And you! You're no better, you kick her out of every room you are in and don't even glance her way. You constantly call her names and look down on her. Lastly, Potter. I understand your a boy and aren't capable of thinking about anything more than your own feelings. However Ginny spent days writing that for you, she poured her heart into it, the VERY least you could do is thank her for it. As for the rest of you!" I turned to the crowd in the room. "How would you feel if it was you that was being made fun of. She is only 12, find your compassion!" I turned back to her 'family' and Potter. "You don't deserve her, she has more heart and kindness than all of you combined." I stormed out of the common room and wandered around aimlessly.

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